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Ergebnisse 11-20 von 449.
2020Understanding conceptual impact of scientific knowledge on policy: The role of policy-making conditionsEdler, Jakob; Karaulova, Maria; Barker, Katharine
2018China's trajectory from production to innovation: Insights from the photovoltaics sectorGandenberger, Carsten
2013Universities as local knowledge hubs under different technology regimes: New evidence from academic patentingDornbusch, Friedrich; Brenner, Thomas
2015Plug-in electric vehicles automated charging controlDallinger, David; Kohrs, Robert; Mierau, Michael; Marwitz, Simon; Wesche, Julius
2013Techno-ökonomische Bewertung von Stromspeichern im NiederspannungsnetzMohring, Alexandra; Michaelis, Julia
2010A relational database for bibliometric analysisMallig, Nicolai
2017Defining regional recycling indicators for metals: An extension of global recycling indicators to regional systems with open boundariesTercero Espinoza, Luis Alberto; Soulier, Marcel
2013Growing outflows of technology-driven foreign direct investment from emerging economies and the implications for the international investment regimeDantas, Eva; Meyer, Niclas; Stehnken, Thomas
1996Sachsens Investitionsgüterindustrie im Regionalvergleich: trotz Modernisierungsschub unterdurchschnittliche ProduktivitätLay, Gunter
2016The dynamic simulation of TIS functions in transitions pathwaysKöhler, Jonathan; Braungardt, Sibylle; Hettesheimer, Tim; Lerch, Christian; Nabitz, Lisa; Sartorius, Christian; Walz, Rainer