SWP Research Papers, Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik (SWP)

ISSN: 1863-1053

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Publikationen (sortiert nach Titel in absteigender Richtung): 1 bis 20 von 245
2024Turkey in MENA, MENA in Turkey: Reasons for popularity, limits of influenceAdar, Sinem
2024Germany's value-based partnerships in the Indo-PacificHeiduk, Felix
2024The euro in a world of dollar dominance: Between strategic autonomy and structural weaknessTokarski, Paweł
2024Regional health care in the EU: ESI funds as a means of building the European Health UnionBayerlein, Michael
2024Power relations in Sudan after the fall of Bashir: From revolution to warKurtz, Gerrit
2024Russia-China economic relations: Moscow's road to economic dependenceKluge, Janis
2024China's currency campaign: The challenge of internationalisation and digitalisation of the renminbiHilpert, Hanns Günther
2024Of friends and foes: Israel and Iran in the Maghreb. Perceptions and instumentalisationWerenfels, Isabelle
2024Where have all the jihadists gone? The rise and mysterious fall of militant Islamist movements in LibyaLacher, Wolfram
2024Feminist foreign and development policy in practice: Requirements and potentialsZilla, Claudia
2024Economy and national security: US foreign economic policy under Trump and Bidenvon Daniels, Laura
2024UN arms embargoes under scrutiny: Obstacles and options for an effective contribution to conflict resolutionVorrath, Judith
2024Ukraine during the Russian war of aggression: The nexus between internal developments and EU accessionStewart, Susan
2024Turkey's reconciliation efforts in the Middle East: Ambitions and constraints in a changing regional orderÇevik, Salim
2024Sudan's transition to war and the limits of the UN's good officesPerthes, Volker
2023Dis/connectivity in the South Caucasus: Imaginaries, the effects of power, ambivalencesSmolnik, Franziska
2023Country-level politics around the SDGs: Analysing political will as a critical element of the Mid-Term Review of the 2030 Agenda and the SDGsBeisheim, Marianne
2023The crisis governance of the European Union: More responsibility requires more democratic legitimacyvon Ondarza, Nicolai
2023Predicting irregular migration: High hopes, meagre resultsAngenendt, Steffen; Koch, Anne; Tjaden, Jasper Dag
2023Turkey in the Black Sea region: Ankara's reactions to the war in Ukraine against the background of regional dynamics and global confrontationIsachenko, Daria
Publikationen (sortiert nach Titel in absteigender Richtung): 1 bis 20 von 245
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