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Series/Report no.: 
EIF Working Paper No. 2021/73
European Investment Fund (EIF), Luxembourg
In the present publication, you will find the results of a regional analysis of the latest EIF Venture Capital Survey. Taking into account the main elements of the survey, the key differences between different country clusters in Europe are explored. This interregional comparison provides a valuable picture of both common and specific developments in each country group. It highlights the current views, needs and expectations of VC fund managers in a given country cluster, and how they differ from the average ones in the sample, thereby orienting the discussion towards existing regional gaps and how to address them. In order to facilitate the reading, we offer a hybrid slide document instead of a traditional Working Paper style. The EIF Working Papers are designed to make available to a wider readership selected topics and studies in relation to EIF's business. The Working Papers are edited by EIF's Research & Market Analysis and are typically authored or co-authored by EIF staff or are written in cooperation with EIF.
Document Type: 
Working Paper

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