ECONtribute Discussion Papers, Reinhard Selten Institute (RSI)

ISSN: n.a.

Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Descending order): 61 to 80 of 333
Year of PublicationTitleAuthor(s)
2024How to attract talents? Field-experimental evidence on emphasizing flexibility and career opportunities in job advertisementsFuchs, Larissa; Heinz, Matthias; Pinger, Pia; Thon, Max
2024A theory of digital ecosystemsUpload der korrigierten Version: 2024-09-19; Heidhues, Paul; Köster, Mats; Kőszegi, Botond
2023Closing the gender gap in salary increases: Evidence from a field experiment on promoting pay equityAlfitian, Jakob; Deversi, Marvin; Sliwka, Dirk
2023Carrots and sticks: Targeting the opposition in an autocratic regimeMohr, Cathrin
2023Voting with interdependent values: The condorcet winnerGershkov, Alex; Kleiner, Andreas; Moldovanu, Benny; Shi, Xianwen
2023Capital deaccumulation and the large persistent effects of financial crisesKnowles, Matthew
2023Job levels and wagesBayer, Christian; Kuhn, Moritz
2023Elite selection in an autocracy: The career costs of political tiesBielefeld, Leonie; Mohr, Cathrin
2023Crossing borders: Labor market effects of European integrationIlling, Hannah
2023Corrupted by algorithms? How AI-generated and human-written advice shape (dis)honestyLeib, Margarita; Köbis, Nils; Rilke, Rainer Michael; Hagens, Marloes; Irlenbusch, Bernd
2023Murphy's law or luck of the Irish? Disparate treatment of the Irish in 19th century courtsBindler, Anna; Hjalmarsson, Randi; Machin, Stephen; Rubio, Melissa
2023The gender gap in earnings losses after job displacementIlling, Hannah; Schmieder, Johannes; Trenkle, Simon
2023Attitudes to migration and the market for newsFarukh, Razi; Heinz, Matthias; Kerkhof, Anna; Schumacher, Heiner
2023Home price expectations and spending: Evidence from a field experimentChopra, Felix; Roth, Christopher; Wohlfart, Johannes
2023Gender norms and the gender gap in higher educationHuber, Stefanie J.; Paule-Paludkiewicz, Hannah
2023How heterogeneous beliefs trigger financial crisesSchuster, Florian; Wysietzki, Marco; Zdrzalek, Jonas
2023Homophily and transmission of behavioral traits in social networksBhargava, Palaash; Chen, Daniel L.; Sutter, Matthias; Terrier, Camille
2023Religion and cooperation across the globeCaicedo, Felipe Valencia; Dohmen, Thomas; Pondorfer, Andreas
2023The political effects of the 1918 influenza pandemic in Weimar GermanyBauernschuster, Stefan; Blum, Matthias; Hornung, Erik; Koenig, Christoph
2023Information transmission between banks and the market for corporate controlBittner, Christian; Fecht, Falko; Pala, Melissa; Saidi, Farzad
Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Descending order): 61 to 80 of 333