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Series/Report no.: 
DIW focus No. 2
Deutsches Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung (DIW), Berlin
The coronavirus pandemic, which began in December 2019 and is currently spreading rapidly around the world, is having a noticeable impact on the economy and thus also on the real estate market. Since the measures to curb the spread are causing economic activities to decline massively, small and medium-sized companies in the service, hospitality, and transport sectors in particular, but the self-employed as well, are often unable to meet their short-term obligations, such as rents, loan interest, and labor costs, and are thus existentially at risk. Private tenants are also affected if they receive no or significantly less income due to the containment measures. Suggested and implemented measures aim to help commercial and private tenants and property owners in these difficult times as unbureaucratically as possible. Here, we present in detail the plans and actual measures undertaken worldwide.
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