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Ergebnisse 11-20 von 22.
2014A contingent approach to the role of human capital and competencies on firm strategyDíaz-Fernández, Mirta; López-Cabrales, Alvaro; Valle-Cabrera, Ramón
2014Revisiting some “established facts” in the field of managementAguinis, Herman
2014Public funding of R&D and its effect on the composition of business R&D expenditureAfcha, Sergio; López, Guillén León
2014Effects of customer cooperation on knowledge generation activities and innovation results of firmsSánchez-González, Gloria; Herrera, Liliana
2014Using standard CETSCALE and other adapted versions of the scale for measuring consumers’ ethnocentric tendencies: An analysis of dimensionalityJiménez-Guerrero, José Felipe; Gázquez-Abad, Juan Carlos; Linares-Agüera, Emilia del Carmen
2014Do social and environmental screens influence ethical portfolio performance? Evidence from EuropeOrtas, Eduardo; Moneva, José M.; Moneva, José M.
2014Letter from the EditorFuentelsaz, Lucio
2014Training and performance: The mediating role of organizational learningBarba Aragón, María Isabel; Jiménez Jiménez, Daniel; Sanz Valle, Raquel
2014Determinants of reputation of leading Spanish financial institutions among their customers in a context of economic crisisRuiz, Belén; Esteban, Águeda; Esteban, Águeda; Gutiérrez, Santiago
2014Institutional and competitive drivers on managers’ training and organizational outcomesEsteban-Lloret, Nuria N.; Aragón-Sánchez, Antonio; Carrasco-Hernández, Antonio