30th European Regional ITS Conference, Helsinki 2019
ISSN: n.a.
This collection contains papers of the
30th European Regional ITS Conference (Helsinki 2019)
Helsinki, Finland, 16th - 19th June 2019
"Towards a Connected and Automated Society"
Digitalization is rapidly changing our society. The proliferation of easy-to-use devices and cloud-based applications is dramatically moulding our daily life, often in unpredictable and surprising ways. The underlying foundation of this evolution is the global service and connectivity infrastructure.
Many important techno-political and socio-economic questions regarding the evolution of this infrastructure centre on fibre and wireless. 5G, as the next generation mobile access technology, may play a key role in unifying the architecture and ecosystems, casting aside in the process a series of dichotomies such as fixed vs. mobile, indoors vs. outdoors, humans vs. machines, broadcasting vs. Internet, boundaries of the cloud vs. network. Notably, 5G is not only the next mobile technology generation but it is also a significant game changer in the wider communication ecosystem. 5G small cells on higher frequency bands, in particular, are creating pressure for structural changes affecting both co-operation and competition across the industry.
Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 64
Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 64
Also listed in RePEc / EconPapers
year of Publication
- 64 2019