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Ergebnisse 21-30 von 41.
2021Global economy: Advanced economies facing a strong upturn
In: Band: 11, 2021, Heft: 23/24, S. 162-166
Michelsen, Claus; Baldi, Guido; Dany-Knedlik, Geraldine; Engerer, Hella; Pasch, Sandra
2021German economy only slowly emerging from the pandemic
In: Band: 11, 2021, Heft: 37, S. 276-280
Clemens, Marius; Junker, Simon; Pagenhardt, Laura
2021Real estate taxation reform: Tax land values, abolish privileges
In: Band: 11, 2021, Heft: 27/28, S. 199-205
Bach, Stefan; Eichfelder, Sebastian
2021Global economy returning to its recovery course after summer setbacks
In: Band: 11, 2021, Heft: 37, S. 270-274
Baldi, Guido; Dany-Knedlik, Geraldine; Engerer, Hella; Kurcz, Frederik
2021Ten years after Fukushima: Nuclear energy is still dangerous and unreliable
In: Band: 11, 2021, Heft: 7/8, S. 53-61
Wealer, Ben; von Hirschhausen, Christian R.; Kemfert, Claudia; Präger, Fabian; Steigerwald, Björn
2021Momentum in sight for the executive boards of major German companies
In: Band: 11, 2021, Heft: 3/4, S. 17-19
Kirsch, Anja; Wrohlich, Katharina
2021Income inequality in Germany temporarily sinks during crises
In: Band: 11, 2021, Heft: 46, S. 349-355
Dany-Knedlik, Geraldine; Kriwoluzky, Alexander
2021Refugees' mental health during the coronavirus pandemic: Psychological distress and continued loneliness
In: Band: 11, 2021, Heft: 12, S. 103-109
Entringer, Theresa Margareta; Jacobsen, Jannes; Kröger, Hannes; Metzing, Maria
2021German economy with delayed recovery: Industry in a tight spot
In: Band: 11, 2021, Heft: 23/24, S. 157-160
Michelsen, Claus; Baldi, Guido; Clemens, Marius; Dany-Knedlik, Geraldine; Engerer, Hella; Fratzscher, Marcel; Hanisch, Max; Junker, Simon; Pagenhardt, Laura; Pasch, Sandra
2021Gender pay gap in a European comparison: Positive correlation between the female labor force participation rate and the gender pay gap
In: Band: 11, 2021, Heft: 9, S. 65-70
Schmieder, Julia; Wrohlich, Katharina