ECB Occasional Paper Series, European Central Bank (ECB)

ISSN: 1725-6534

Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Descending order): 21 to 40 of 355
Year of PublicationTitleAuthor(s)
2023Understanding the profitability gap between euro area and US global systemically important banksDi Vito, Luca; Fuentes, Natalia; Leite, Joao Matos
2023Enhancing climate resilience of monetary policy implementation in the euro areaAubrechtová, Jana; Heinle, Elke; Moyà Porcel, Rafel; Osorno Torres, Boris; Piloiu-Popescu, Anamaria-Valeria; Queiroz, Ricardo; Silvonen, Torsti; Cruz, Lia Vaz
2023The valuation haircuts applied to eligible marketable assets for ECB credit operationsAdler, Martin; Camba-Méndez, Gonzalo; Dézaja, Tomislav; Manzanares, Andrés; Metra, Matteo; Vocalelli, Giorgio
2023CCP initial margin models in EuropeBoudiaf, Ismael Alexander; Scheicher, Martin; Vacirca, Francesco
2023The role of financial stability considerations in monetary policy and the interaction with macroprudential policy in the euro areaWork stream on macroprudential policy, monetary policy and financial stability
2023The legal and institutional feasibility of an EU Climate and Energy Security FundAbraham, Laurent; O'Connell, Marguerite; Oleaga, Iñigo Arruga
2023Price adjustment in the euro area in the low-inflation period: Evidence from consumer and producer micro price dataGautier, Erwan; Karadi, Peter; Amann, Jurgen; Conflitti, Cristina; Faber, Riemer P.; Fabo, Brian; Fadejeva, Ludmila; Fuss, Catherine; Kosma, Theodora; Jouvanceau, Valentin; Martins, Fernando; Menz, Jan-Oliver; Messner, Teresa; Petroulas, Pavlos; Roldan-Blanco, Pau; Rumler, Fabio; Bachiller, Javier Sánchez; Santoro, Sergio; Seward, Domingos; Stanga, Irina; de Veirman, Emmanuel; Wieland, Elisabeth; Wintr, Ladislav; Wursten, Jesse; Zimmer, Hélène
2023Price setting during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemicHenkel, Lukas; Wieland, Elisabeth; B±açzejowska, Aneta; Conflitti, Cristina; Fabo, Brian; Fadejeva, Ludmila; Jonckheere, Jana; Karadi, Peter; Macias, Pawe±; Menz, Jan-Oliver; Seiler, Pascal; Szafranek, Karol
2023The climate change challenge and fiscal instruments and policies in the EUAvgousti, Aris; Caprioli, Francesco; Caracciolo, Giacomo; Cochard, Marion; Dallari, Pietro; Delgado-Téllez, Mar; Domingues, João; Ferdinandusse, Marien; Filip, Daniela; Nerlich, Carolin; Prammer, Doris; Schmidt, Katja; Theofilakou, Anastasia
2023Wind-down of bank trading books: Operational aspects and hidden costsSantoni, Alessandro; Rossignol, Ghislain; Akhouen, Richard
2023E-commerce and price setting: Evidence from EuropeStrasser, Georg; Wieland, Elisabeth; Macias, Pawe±; B±açzejowska, Aneta; Szafranek, Karol; Wittekopf, David; Franke, Jörn; Henkel, Lukas; Osbat, Chiara
2023How usable are capital buffers? An empirical analysis of the interaction between capital buffers and the leverage ratio since 2016Leitner, Georg; Dvoérák, Michal; Magi, Alessandro; Zsámboki, Balázs
2023Know your (holding) limits: CBDC, financial stability and central bank relianceMeller, Barbara; Soons, Oscar
2023Measuring inflation with heterogeneous preferences, taste shifts and product innovation: Methodological challenges and evidence from microdataOsbat, Chiara; Conflitti, Cristina; Bellocca, Gian-Pietro; Eiglsperger, Martin; Goldhammer, Bernhard; Kuik, Friderike; Menz, Jan-Oliver; Rumler, Fabio; Saez Moreno, Marta; Segers, Lina; Siliverstovs, Boriss; Touré, Anaëlle; Wieland, Elisabeth
2023Micro price heterogeneity and optimal inflationSantoro, Sergio; Weber, Henning
2023Some implications of micro pricesetting evidence for inflation dynamics and monetary transmissionDedola, Luca; Gautier, Erwan; Nakov, Anton; Santoro, Sergio; de Veirman, Emmanuel; Henkel, Lukas; Fagandini, Bruno
2023Inflation heterogeneity at the household levelStrasser, Georg; Messner, Teresa; Rumler, Fabio; Ampudia, Miguel
2023The more the merrier? Macroprudential instrument interactions and effective policy implementationLo Duca, Marco; Bartal, Mehdi; Giedraitçe, Edita; Granlund, Peik; Hallissey, Niamh; Juréca, Pavol; Kouratzoglou, Charalampos; Lennartsdotter, Petra; Lima, Diana; Pirovano, Mara; Prapiestis, Algirdas; Saldias, Martin; Sangaré, Ibrahima; Serra, Diogo; Silva, Fatima; Tereanu, Eugen; Tuomikoski, Kristiina; Vauhkonen, Jukka
2023NGFS climate scenarios for the euro area: Role of fiscal and monetary policy conduct: Opening up the macroeconomic toolbox and its sensitivity to policy settingsDarracq Pariès, Matthieu; Dées, Stéphane; De Gaye, Annabelle; Parisi, Laura; Sun, Yiqiao
2023The future of DAOs in finance: In need of legal statusNaudts, Ellen
Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Descending order): 21 to 40 of 355