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2016Pooling data across markets in dynamic Markov games
In: Band: 7, 2016, Heft: 2, S. 523-559
Otsu, Taisuke; Pesendorfer, Martin; Takahashi, Yuya
2016Unobserved heterogeneity in dynamic games: Cannibalization and preemptive entry of hamburger chains in Canada
In: Band: 7, 2016, Heft: 2, S. 483-521
Igami, Mitsuru; Yang, Nathan
2016Inference under stability of risk preferences
In: Band: 7, 2016, Heft: 2, S. 367-409
Barseghyan, Levon; Molinari, Francesca; Teitelbaum, Joshua C.
2016Clearinghouses for two-sided matching: An experimental study
In: Band: 7, 2016, Heft: 2, S. 449-482
Echenique, Federico; Wilson, Alistair J.; Yariv, Leeat
2016Perturbation methods for Markov-switching dynamic stochastic general equilibrium models
In: Band: 7, 2016, Heft: 2, S. 637-669
Foerster, Andrew; Rubio-Ramírez, Juan F.; Waggoner, Daniel F.; Zha, Tao
2016Identification and estimation of semiparametric two-step models
In: Band: 7, 2016, Heft: 2, S. 561-589
Escanciano, Juan Carlos; Jacho-Chávez, David; Lewbel, Arthur
2016Drifts and volatilities under measurement error: Assessing monetary policy shocks over the last century
In: Band: 7, 2016, Heft: 2, S. 591-611
Amir-Ahmadi, Pooyan; Matthes, Christian; Wang, Mu-Chun
2016Explaining the gender wage gap: Estimates from a dynamic model of job changes and hours changes
In: Band: 7, 2016, Heft: 2, S. 411-447
Liu, Kai
2016The development and spread of financial innovations
In: Band: 7, 2016, Heft: 2, S. 613-636
Hull, Isaiah
2016Bayesian inference in a class of partially identified models
In: Band: 7, 2016, Heft: 2, S. 329-366
Kline, Brendan; Tamer, Elie