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54th Congress of the European Regional Science Association: "Regional development & globalisation: Best practices", 26-29 August 2014, St. Petersburg, Russia
European Regional Science Association (ERSA), Louvain-la-Neuve
The first stage in the Innovation City(IC) project that public agencies move into local to create a stronghold of the future growth is almost done so municipalities and citizen including researchers are interest in the growing effect of the existing cities after the formation of IC. We expect that the development of the IC will bring about some positive effects such as growth of local cities, the revitalization of the economy and the an increase of employment. In this regard, this study aims to analyze the effect of existing city in the revitalization of commercial areas after developing this project. Furthermore, this study that is differentiated from previous studies, because it analyzed the effect of IC through the changes of commercial areas explores to establish the current point and analyzes the commercial share in detail by utilizing the Huff's model to predict the commercial changes after developing IC. To this end, Jinju-city(JC) where is the biggest regional center in western areas in Gyeongnam in addition to a predominant fame as a historical heritages is selected and then the central points of 22 districts were analyzed by ArcGIS 9.3. Also, the gross area of three large discount stores, one department store, and six traditional markets were measured, which are major commercial areas in JC. In sequence, the distance from the commercial areas to the central points of each district that used UCL Depthmap to select the main road with connectivity was measured with a view to establish the database of the Huff's model and established the Huff's model. Lastly, the number of actual customers in two commercial areas which had investigated the inside data was compared by applying the Huff's model as of 2013 to calculate the value of ¥á and ¥â. This method analyzes to decline or grow between the existing commercial areas and IC commercial area after developing. Actually, the existing commercial areas was declined as a result of analysis, so this study intends to suggest the activation methods of the existing city through the development of IC to prevent the decline of existing city due to the development of the IC by identifying the commercial areas and present the coping strategies with the decline of the city.
Huff's Model
Innovation City
Conference Paper

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