wiiw Policy Notes and Reports, The Vienna Institute for International Economic Studies (wiiw)

ISSN: n.a.

Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 81
Year of PublicationTitleAuthor(s)
2024The energy transition in the Western Balkans: The status quo, major challenges and how to overcome themFrey, Barbara
2024Austria's economic relations with the EU Eastern Partnership countries and RussiaAstrov, Vasily
2024The impact of green technologies on GDP and employment in the EUGuadagno, Francesca; Reiter, Oliver; Stehrer, Robert
2024A stronger CEE for a stronger EuropeWieser, Thomas; Grieveson, Richard; Holzner, Mario
2024New technologies, migration and labour market adjustment: An intra-European perspectiveBarišić, Antea; Ghodsi, Mahdi; Landesmann, Michael; Sabouniha, Alireza; Stehrer, Robert
2024In between international orders - An era of instability: The need for a reform agenda and a new narrativeReiterer, Michael
2024Shifting patterns of migration in Europe: New source countries, old challengesTverdostup, Maryna
2024Analysis of the fiscal and health impact of increasing tobacco excise taxes in UkraineJovanovikj, Biljana; Kungl, Nora; Fidanovski, Kristijan; Ross, Hana
2023RRF 2.0: A permanent EU investment fund in the context of the energy crisis, climate change and EU fiscal rulesHeimberger, Philipp; Lichtenberger, Andreas
2023Public expenditure and tax policy for the post-war reconstruction of UkraineBogdan, Tetiana; Jovanović, Branimir
2023Öffentliche Investitionen und Sozialstaat: Perspektiven der Budgetpolitik im Kontext von Energiekrise, Klimawandel und EU-BudgetregelnHeimberger, Philipp
2023Von verlängerten Werkbänken und Headquarter-Ökonomien: Die Bedeutung funktionaler Spezialisierung in EU-Wertschöpfungsketten für die LohnentwicklungStöllinger, Roman
2023The demographic challenges to Ukraine's economic reconstructionTverdostup, Maryna
2023Time for change in EU economic policyBayer, Kurt
2023Implications of China's growing geo-economic influence for the EU: Addressing critical dependencies in the green transitionPindyuk, Olga
2023Towards effective industrial policy in the Western BalkansJovanović, Branimir; Vujanović, Nina
2023Rebuilding Ukraine's infrastructure after the warKosse, Iryna
2023Towards a greener Visegrád group: Progress and challenges in the context of the European Green DealRiepl, Tobias; Zavarská, Zuzana
2023How to get things moving in EU-Western Balkan relationsGabrisch, Hubert
2023Wiiw studies on the integration of Middle Eastern refugees in Austria, based on FIMAS surveys and register-based labour market career dataLandesmann, Michael; Leitner, Sandra M.; Jestl, Stefan; Tverdostup, Maryna; Leitner, Sebastian; Mara, Isilda
Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 81