UNRISD Working Papers, United Nations Research Institute for Social Development (UNRISD)

ISSN: n.a.

Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 140
Year of PublicationTitleAuthor(s)
2024System change for economic transformation: Toward fair fiscal contractsHujo, Katja; Fuentes-Nieva, Ricardo
2024Pathways to a new eco-social contract in Nepal: Judicial interpretations of constitutional guarantees and their implementationSiwakoti, Sachin
2024Assessing the role of social enterprises in shaping eco-social agriculture: Evidence from smallholder organic growers in West Bengal (India)Laha, Arindam; Koner, Nilojyoti; Ghosh, Santanu Kumar
2024Contestation movements and the emergence of eco-social contracts in India and NepalSaba, Alina; Koehler, Gabriele
2024Debt Management Programme or Plan (DMP) and financial or credit counselling in Malaysia, Thailand and IndonesiaAzmi, Ruzita; Indriyani, Rachma
2024Human rights in the new eco-social contract: Exploring a just transition through public services and social securityAubry, Sylvain; McConnell, Matt; Saadoun, Sarah; Simet, Lena
2024Eco-social contracting for environmental justice: Assessing the effectiveness of community-based natural resource managementSibanda, Nkosikhona
2023The international anti-gender movement: Understanding the rise of anti-gender discourses in the context of development, human rights and social protectionMcEwen, Haley; Narayanaswamy, Lata
2023Australian money advice and debt management systemKim, Seajin
2023Toward good practice: A review of money advice services and debt management systems in Ireland, the United Kingdom, France and GermanyStamp, Stuart
2023Childcare investments in the PhilippinesTongson, Excelsa C.
2023Credit counselling and debt management services in the United StatesPark, Gyeongmin
2023Historic breakthrough for social and solidarity economy at the International Labour OrganizationJenkins, Hamish
2022Thresholds of transformation: UNRISD sustainable development performance Indicators pilot testing - Synthesis reportBaue, Bill; Thurm, Ralph A.
2022Assessing the impact of childcare expansion in Mexico: Time use, employment and povertyMasterson, Thomas; Antonopoulos, Rania; Pires, Luiza Nassif; Rios-Avila, Fernando; Zacharias, Ajit
2022Security, environment and development in Zone 3 of International Conference on the Great Lakes Region: A case study on an integrated approach to sustainable peace in borderlandsKempf, Isabell; Byamukama, Nathan Mwesigye; Singo, Stephen Mwachofi
2022Integrated approaches to addressing drugs and development challenges in Myanmar's borderlandsMeehan, Patrick
2022Does an integrated approach lead to better outcomes? The youth volunteers supporting peace and recovery in DarfurKim, Youngwan; Lim, Sijeong; Lee, Jinyoung
2022Scaling-up dynamics in KOICA's peace-development nexus projects in the Mekong region: Cases of Lao PDR and CambodiaKim, Bo Kyung; Kim, Taekyoon
2022Guidelines on the integrated approach to development projects in borderlandsYi, Ilcheong; Nassali, Faridah; Lee, Zhen
Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 140