Hamburg Contemporary Economic Discussions, Chair for Economic Policy, Faculty of Business, Economics and Social Sciences, University of Hamburg

ISSN: 1865-7133

Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Descending order): 21 to 40 of 85
Year of PublicationTitleAuthor(s)
2017Interpretation und mögliche Ursachen statistisch insignifikanter Testergebnisse: Eine Fallstudie zu den Beschäftigungseffekten der Fußball-Weltmeisterschaft 2006Maennig, Wolfgang; Sattarhoff, Cristina; Stahlecker, Peter
2017Governance in sports organizationsMaennig, Wolfgang
2017The future development of world recordsKruse, Franziska K.; Maennig, Wolfgang
2016Après nous le déluge? Direct democracy and intergenerational conflicts in aging societiesAhlfeldt, Gabriel M.; Maennig, Wolfgang; Steenbeck, Malte
2016Which countries bid for the Olympic Games? Economic, political, and social factors and chances of winningMaennig, Wolfgang; Vierhaus, Christopher
2016Rio 2016: Sozioökonomische Projektion des Olympischen MedaillenrankingMaennig, Wolfgang; Wellbrock, Christian M.
2015News shocks in the data: Olympic Games and their macroeconomic effects - ReplyLanger, Viktoria C. E.; Maennig, Wolfgang; Richter, Felix J.
2015Ensuring good governance and preventing corruption in the planning of major sporting events: Open issuesMaennig, Wolfgang
2015Good news about news shocksLanger, Viktoria C. E.
2014Who wins olympic bids?Maennig, Wolfgang; Vierhaus, Christopher
2013Rhythms and cycles in happinessMaennig, Wolfgang; Steenbeck, Malte; Wilhelm, Markus
2013Urban renewal after the Berlin WallAhlfeldt, Gabriel M.; Maennig, Wolfgang; Richter, Felix J.
2013Do places of worship affect housing prices? Evidence from GermanyBrandt, Sebastian; Maennig, Wolfgang; Richter, Felix
2013Mega sporting events, real estate, and urban social economics: The case of Brazil 2014/2016Aragão, Thêmis; Maennig, Wolfgang
2012London 2012: Medal projectionMaennig, Wolfgang; Wellbrock, Christian
2012London 2012: Das Ende des Mythos vom erfolgreichen SportsoldatenMaennig, Wolfgang
2012Nuclear accidents on policy: Notes on public perceptionRichter, Felix; Steenbeck, Malte; Wilhelm, Markus
2012Exports and olympic games: Is there a signal effect?Maennig, Wolfgang; Richter, Felix
2011The Olympic effect: A replyMaennig, Wolfgang; Richter, Felix
2011Monument protection and zoning in Germany: Regulations and public support from an international perspectiveMaennig, Wolfgang
Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Descending order): 21 to 40 of 85