Browsing All of EconStor by Author Proaño Acosta, Christian

Showing results 1 to 12 of 12
Year of PublicationTitleAuthor(s)
2007Gradual Wage-Price Adjustments, Labour Market Frictions and Monetary Policy RulesProaño Acosta, Christian
2007Inflation Differentials and Business Cycle Fluctuations in the European Monetary UnionProaño Acosta, Christian
2015Characterizing the financial cycle: Evidence from a frequency domain analysisStrohsal, Till; Proaño Acosta, Christian; Wolters, Jürgen
2015How do financial cycles interact? Evidence from the US and the UKStrohsal, Till; Proaño Acosta, Christian; Wolters, Jürgen
2017Macroeconomic and stock market interactions with endogenous aggregate sentiment dynamicsFlaschel, Peter; Charpe, Matthieu; Galanis, Giorgos; Proaño Acosta, Christian; Veneziani, Roberto
2019Inequality, macroeconomic performance and political polarization: An empirical analysisProaño Acosta, Christian; Peña, Juan Carlos; Saalfeld, Thomas
2019Animal spirits, risk premia and monetary policy at the zero lower boundProaño Acosta, Christian; Lojak, Benjamin
2019Low interest rates, bank's search-for-yield behavior and financial portfolio managementLojak, Benjamin; Makarewicz, Tomasz; Proaño Acosta, Christian
2020Inequality, macroeconomic performance and political polarization: A panel analysis of 20 advanced democraciesProaño Acosta, Christian; Peña, Juan Carlos; Saalfeld, Thomas
2020Monetary policy with a state-dependent inflation target in a behavioral two-country monetary union modelProaño Acosta, Christian; Lojak, Benjamin
2020Capital-constrained loan creation, stock markets and monetary policy in a behavioral new Keynesian modelKotb, Naira; Proaño Acosta, Christian
2021Are some people more equal than others? Experimental evidence on group identity and income inequalityLustenhouwer, Joep; Makarewicz, Tomasz; Peña, Juan Carlos; Proaño Acosta, Christian