Browsing All of EconStor by Author Piccillo, Giulia

Showing results 1 to 12 of 12
Year of PublicationTitleAuthor(s)
2013Exchange Rates and Asset Prices: Heterogeneous Agents at WorkPiccillo, Giulia
2015Monetary Policy with Diverse Private ExpectationsKurz, Mordecai; Motolese, Maurizio; Piccillo, Giulia; Wu, Howei
2015Monetary Policy with Diverse Private ExpectationsKurz, Mordecai; Motolese, Maurizio; Piccillo, Giulia; Wu, Howei
2019Diverse Risk Preferences and Heterogeneous Expectations in an Asset Pricing ModelGomez, Thomas; Piccillo, Giulia
2019The Central Bank Governor and Interest Rate Setting by Committeevan Ommeren, Emile; Piccillo, Giulia
2021Effects of Macro Uncertainty on Mean Expectation and Subjective Uncertainty: Evidence from Households and Professional ForecastersPiccillo, Giulia; Poonpakdee, Poramapa
2023Ambiguous Business Cycles, Recessions and Uncertainty: A Quantitative AnalysisPiccillo, Giulia; Poonpakdee, Poramapa
2023Does U.S. Monetary Policy Respond to Macroeconomic Uncertainty?Gomez, Thomas; Piccillo, Giulia
2023Extraordinary Measures: The Role of Debt Levels in Fiscal Policy Responses to Covid-19Elbourne, Adam; Piccillo, Giulia; Velentzas, Konstantinos
2023Expectations and the Stability of Stock-Flow Consistent ModelsMeijers, Huub; Muysken, Joan; Piccillo, Giulia
2024Unpacking Economic Uncertainty — Measuring the Firm, Sector and Aggregate ComponentsMohades, Siavash; Piccillo, Giulia; Treibich, Tania
2024Mapping the Risk of Spreading Fake-News via Wisdom-of-the-Crowd & MrPt'Serstevens, François; Cerina, Roberto; Piccillo, Giulia