Browsing All of EconStor by Author Meub, Lukas

Showing results 1 to 20 of 43
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Year of PublicationTitleAuthor(s)
2013A comparison of endogenous and exogenous timing in a social learning experimentMeub, Lukas; Proeger, Till; Hüning, Hendrik
2013Anchoring: A valid explanation for biased forecasts when rational predictions are easily accessible and well incentivized?Meub, Lukas; Proeger, Till; Bizer, Kilian
2014An experimental study on social anchoringMeub, Lukas; Proeger, Till
2014The impact of communication regimes on group rationality: Experimental evidenceMeub, Lukas; Proeger, Till
2014Strategic coordination in forecasting: An experimental studyBizer, Kilian; Meub, Lukas; Proeger, Till; Spiwoks, Markus
2014The political economy of certificates for land use in Germany: Experimental evidenceBizer, Kilian; Henger, Ralph; Meub, Lukas; Proeger, Till
2015The victim matters: Experimental evidence on lying, moral costs and moral cleansingMeub, Lukas; Proeger, Till; Schneider, Tim; Bizer, Kilian
2015Tradable development rights under uncertainty: An experimental approachProeger, Till; Meub, Lukas; Bizer, Kilian
2015Intellectual property rights hinder sequential innovation: Experimental evidenceBrüggemann, Julia; Crosetto, Paolo; Meub, Lukas; Bizer, Kilian
2015Die Effizienz von Zuteilungsmechanismen bei Flächenzertifikaten zwischen Versteigerung und Grandfathering: Experimentelle EvidenzMeub, Lukas; Proeger, Till; Bizer, Kilian; Henger, Ralph
2015Experimental evidence on the effects of innovation contestsBrueggemann, Julia; Meub, Lukas
2015Optimal public information dissemination: Introducing observational learning into a generalized beauty contestHüning, Hendrik; Meub, Lukas
2016The role of communication on an experimental market for tradable development rightsProeger, Till; Meub, Lukas; Bizer, Kilian
2016Are groups 'less behavioral'? The case of anchoringMeub, Lukas; Proeger, Till
2016Consumer information in a market for expert services: Experimental evidenceSchneider, Tim; Meub, Lukas; Bizer, Kilian
2016Optimal public information dissemination: Introducing multiplier effects into a generalized beauty contestHüning, Hendrik; Meub, Lukas
2019Can APPealing and more informative bills "nudge" individuals into conserving electricity?Meub, Lukas; Runst, Petrik; von der Leyen, Kaja
2019Digitale Plattformen im Handwerk - eine Analyse von MyHammer und ProvenExpertProeger, Till; Meub, Lukas; Thonipara, Anita; Bizer, Kilian
2019Can APPealing and more informative bills "nudge" individuals into conserving electricity?Meub, Lukas; Runst, Petrik; von der Leyen, Kaja
2021Nachhaltigkeitsindikatorik für das HandwerkDilekoglu, Kübra; Proeger, Till; Meub, Lukas