Browsing All of EconStor by Author Maurin, Eric

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Year of PublicationTitleAuthor(s)
2003Work and pay in flexible and regulated labor markets: A generalized perspective on institutional evolution and inequality trends in Europe and the USDiPrete, Thomas A.; Goux, Dominique; Maurin, Eric; Quesnel-Vallée, Amélie
2005Vive la Révolution! : Long Term Returns of 1968 to the Angry StudentsMaurin, Eric; McNally, Sandra
2006The social multiplier and labour market participation of mothersMaurin, Eric; Moschion, Julie
2006Close neighbours matter: neighbourhood effects on early performance at schoolGoux, Dominique; Maurin, Eric
2007Educational effects of widening access to the academic track: a natural experimentMaurin, Eric; McNally, Sandra
2009Sentence reductions and recidivism: lessons from the Bastille Day quasi experimentMaurin, Eric; Ouss, Aurelie
2010The effect of tracking students by ability into different schools: a natural experimentGuyon, Nina; Maurin, Eric; McNally, Sandra
2011Every child matters? An evaluation of 'special educational needs' programmes in EnglandKeslair, Francois; Maurin, Eric; McNally, Sandra
2011Worktime regulations and spousal labour supplyGoux, Dominique; Maurin, Eric; Petrongolo, Barbara
2011Set identified linear modelsBontemps, Christian; Magnac, Thierry; Maurin, Eric
2013Worktime regulations and spousal labor supplyGoux, Dominique; Maurin, Eric; Petrongolo, Barbara
2014Following the Crowd: Leisure Complementarities Beyond the HouseholdGeorges-Kot, Simon; Goux, Dominique; Maurin, Eric
2014Adjusting Your Dreams? The Effect of School and Peers on Dropout BehaviourGoux, Dominique; Gurgand, Marc; Maurin, Eric
2019From Ultima Ratio to Mutual Consent: The Effects of Changing Employment Protection DoctrineBatut, Cyprien; Maurin, Eric
2019Does Evaluating Teachers Make a Difference?Briole, Simon; Maurin, Eric
2019Behind the Veil: The Effect of Banning the Islamic Veil in SchoolsMaurin, Eric; Navarrete H., Nicolás
2020Termination of employment contracts by mutual consent and labor market fluidityBatut, Cyprien; Maurin, Eric
2022The Value of Leisure SynchronizationGeorges-Kot, Simon; Goux, Dominique; Maurin, Eric
2022Tracking When Ranking MattersLandaud, Fanny; Maurin, Eric
2022The Making of Civic Virtues: A School-Based Experiment in Three CountriesBriole, Simon; Gurgand, Marc; Maurin, Eric; McNally, Sandra; Ruiz-Valenzuela, Jenifer; Santín, Daniel