Browsing All of EconStor by Author Machin, Stephen

Showing results 1 to 20 of 49
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Year of PublicationTitleAuthor(s)
1997Labour turnover and work-related trainingDearden, Lorraine; Machin, Stephen; Reed, Howard; Wilkinson, David
2002Subject of Degree and the Gender Wage Differential Evidence from the UK and GermanyMachin, Stephen; Puhani, Patrick A.
2004The Literacy HourMachin, Stephen; McNally, Sandra
2005Crime and police resources: the street crime initiativeMachin, Stephen; Marie, Olivier
2006New technology in schools: is there a payoff?Machin, Stephen; McNally, Sandra; Silva, Olmo
2006Choice, competition and pupil achievementGibbons, Stephen; Machin, Stephen; Silva, Olmo
2006Minimum wages and firm profitabilityDraca, Mirko; Machin, Stephen; Van Reenen, John
2007Resources and standards in urban schoolsMachin, Stephen; McNally, Sandra; Meghir, Costas
2008Education and mobilityMachin, Stephen; Pelkonen, Panu; Salvanes, Kjell G.
2008What makes a test score? The respective contributions of pupils, schools, and peers in achievement in English primary educationKramarz, Francis; Machin, Stephen; Ouazad, Amine
2008Panic on the streets of London: police, crime and the july 2005 terror attacksDraca, Mirko; Machin, Stephen; Witt, Robert
2008Educational Achievement and Ethnicity in Compulsory SchoolingDustmann, Christian; Machin, Stephen; Schoenberg, Uta
2009Market regulation and firm performance: the case of smoking bans in the UKAdda, Jerome; Berlinski, Samuel; Bhaskar, V.; Machin, Stephen
2010The changing economic advantage from private schoolGreen, Francis; Machin, Stephen; Murphy, Richard; Zhu, Yu
2010Valuing school quality via a school choice reformMachin, Stephen; Salvanes, Kjell G.
2010Crime and immigration: Evidence from large immigrant wavesBell, Brian; Machin, Stephen; Fasani, Francesco
2010The crime reducing effect of educationMachin, Stephen; Marie, Olivier; Vujić, Sunčica
2010Crime and Immigration: Evidence from Large Immigrant WavesBell, Brian; Machin, Stephen; Fasani, Francesco
2011Immigrant enclaves and crimeBell, Brian; Machin, Stephen
2011Rising wage inequality and postgraduate educationLindley, Joanne; Machin, Stephen