Year of Publication | Title | Author(s) |
2002 | Multicriteria analysis under uncertainty with IANUS - method and empirical results | Klauer, Bernd; Drechsler, Martin; Messner, Frank |
2002 | Spatial differentiation of compensation payments for biodiversity enhancing land-use measures | Wätzold, Frank; Drechsler, Martin |
2003 | Species conservation in the face of political uncertainty | Drechsler, Martin; Wätzold, Frank |
2005 | Promoting the multifunctionality of agriculture, forestry, and rural areas - design and implementation of public policies in Germany | Lehmann, Paul; Schleyer, Christian; Wüstemann, Henry; Drechsler, Martin; Hagedorn, Konrad; Wätzold, Frank |
2005 | Integrating economic costs into the analysis of flexible conservation management strategies | Drechsler, Martin; Johst, Karin; Wätzold, Frank; Westphal, Michael |
2005 | A model-based approach for designing cost-effective compensation payments for conservation of endangered species in real landscapes | Drechsler, Martin; Wätzold, Frank; Johst, Karin; Bergmann, Holger; Settele, Josef |
2005 | Differences and similarities between ecological and economic models for biodiversity conservation | Drechsler, Martin; Grimma, Volker; Myšiak, Jaroslav; Wätzold, Frank |
2006 | Estimating optimal conservation in agricultural landscapes when costs and benefits of conservation measures are heterogeneous in space and over time | Wätzold, Frank; Lienhoop, Nele; Drechsler, Martin; Settele, Josef |
2006 | Managing land use and land cover change in the biodiversity context with regard to efficiency, equality and ecological effectiveness | Ohl, Cornelia; Drechsler, Martin; Johst, Karin; Wätzold, Frank |
2007 | Applying tradable permits to biodiversity conservation: effects of space-dependent ecological benefits and cost heterogeneity on habitat allocation | Drechsler, Martin; Wätzold, Frank |
2007 | An agglomeration payment for cost-effective biodiversity conservation in spatially structured landscapes | Drechsler, Martin; Johst, Karin; Wätzold, Frank; Shogren, Jason F. |
2010 | A modelling approach for allocating land-use in space to maximise social welfare - exemplified on the problem of wind power generation | Drechsler, Martin; Ohl, Cornelia; Meyerhoff, Jürgen; Eichhorn, Marcus; Monsees, Jan |
2012 | Handbuch der Software Ecopay zur Bestimmung kosteneffizienter Ausgleichszahlungen für Maßnahmen zum Schutz gefährdeter Arten und Lebensraumtypen im Grünland | Mewes, Melanie; Sturm, Astrid; Johst, Karin; Drechsler, Martin; Wätzold, Frank |
2013 | A systematic approach for assessing spatially and temporally differentiated opportunity costs of biodiversity conservation measures in grasslands | Mewes, Melanie; Drechsler, Martin; Johst, Karin; Sturm, Astrid; Wätzold, Frank |
2014 | Handbuch der Software DSS-Ecopay Version 2.0 zur Bestimmung kosteneffizienter Ausgleichszahlungen für Maßnahmen zum Schutz gefährdeter Arten und Lebensraumtypen im Grünland | Mewes, Melanie; Sturm, Astrid; Johst, Karin; Drechsler, Martin; Wätzold, Frank |
2021 | Modelling the cost-effective spatio-temporal allocation of conservation measures in agricultural landscapes facing climate change | Gerling, Charlotte; Drechsler, Martin; Keuler, Klaus; Leins, Johannes A.; Radtke, Kai; Schulz, Björn; Sturm, Astrid; Wätzold, Frank |
2022 | On the Cost-Effective Temporal Allocation of Credits in Conservation Offsets when Habitat Restoration Takes Time and is Uncertain | Drechsler, Martin |