Browsing All of EconStor by Author Cojanu, Valentin
Showing results 1 to 10 of 10
Year of Publication | Title | Author(s) |
2004 | Specific requirements of the EU structural instruments and policy implications for Romania | Cojanu, Valentin; Dima, Alina; Muşetescu, Radu; Pîslaru, Dragoş; Stănculescu, Manuela |
2005 | Elements of a Romanian strategy in the post-enlargement EU | Cojanu, Valentin; Bîrsan, Maria; Mureşan, Liviu; Aristide, Oana |
2009 | Formularea conceptelor operaţionale ale unei politici de coeziune şi competitivitate | Cojanu, Valentin; Botezatu, Elena; Peleanu, Ion |
2010 | The competitive potential of economic growth: guiding lines for a new industrial policy in Romania | Cojanu, Valentin; Pîslaru, Dragoş; Pătru-Stupariu, Ileana; Muraru-Ionel, Cornelia; Botezatu, Elena |
2011 | An Exploratory Study of the Regional Context of Competitive Development in Romania | Cojanu, Valentin; Stupariu, Ileana-Pãtru; Dobre, Robert Rãzvan |
2014 | Avantajele competitive ale României pe piaţa internă a UE | Țurlea, Geomina; Cojanu, Valentin; Alexoaei, Alina; Neculau, Georgiana; Petrariu, Ioan-Radu |
2015 | Innovation in the European Value Chain: The Case of the Romanian Automotive Industry | Negrea, Alina Petronela; Cojanu, Valentin |
2017 | Negotiating the Transatlantic deal: focus on the EU's domestic constraints | Alexoaei, Alina; Cojanu, Valentin |
2022 | Good practices in reforming the common agricultural policy to support the European Green Deal: A perspective on the consumption of pesticides and fertilizers | Alexoaei, Alina Petronela; Robu, Raluca Georgiana; Cojanu, Valentin; Miron, Dumitru; Holobiuc, Ana-Maria |
2023 | Market Changes in the Energy and Green Energy Sector During the COVID-19 Crisis: A Global Perspective | Paun, Cristian; Musetescu, Radu; Cojanu, Valentin; Simandan, Radu |