Browsing All of EconStor by Author Bublitz, Elisabeth

Showing results 1 to 19 of 19
Year of PublicationTitleAuthor(s)
2011The skill balancing act: Determinants of and returns to balanced skillsBublitz, Elisabeth; Noseleit, Florian
2012How much of a socialist legacy? The reemergence of entrepreneurship in the East German transformation to a market economyFritsch, Michael; Bublitz, Elisabeth; Rusakova, Alina; Wyrwich, Michael
2013Balanced skills and the city: An analysis of the relationship between entrepreneurial skill balance, thickness and innovationBublitz, Elisabeth; Fritsch, Michael; Wyrwich, Michael
2013Matching Skills of Individuals and Firms Along the Career PathBublitz, Elisabeth
2015Matching skills of individuals and firms along the career pathBublitz, Elisabeth
2015Entrepreneurship, human capital, and labor demand: A story of signaling and matchingBublitz, Elisabeth; Nielsen, Kristian; Noseleit, Florian; Timmermans, Bram
2015Geschlechtsspezifische Berufswahl: Literatur- und Datenüberblick zu Einflussfaktoren, Anhaltspunkten struktureller Benachteiligung und AbbruchkostenBoll, Christina; Bublitz, Elisabeth; Hoffmann, Malte
2016Individual determinants of job-related learning and training activities of employees - An exploratory analysis of gender differencesBublitz, Elisabeth; Boll, Christina
2016A cross-country comparison of gender differences in job-related training: The role of working hours and the household contextBoll, Christina; Bublitz, Elisabeth
2016Misperceptions of income distributions: Cross-country evidence from a randomized survey experimentBublitz, Elisabeth
2016The social pay gap across occupations: Survey and experimental evidenceBublitz, Elisabeth; Regner, Tobias
2017Misperceptions of income distributions: Cross-country evidence from a randomized survey experimentBublitz, Elisabeth
2018GAW survey data linked with administrative data of the IAB (GAW-ADIAB): A documentation and review of empirical evidence and research opportunitiesWyrwich, Michael; Fritsch, Michael; Bublitz, Elisabeth; Sorgner, Alina
2018Technological change and labor market integrationBublitz, Elisabeth; Wyrwich, Michael
2018Technological change and labor market integrationBublitz, Elisabeth; Wyrwich, Michael
2018The European Single Market at 25Bublitz, Elisabeth
2019Europe's Search for Superstar Firms: The Puzzle of European ChampionsBublitz, Elisabeth; Leisinger, Michael; Yang, Nele
2022Where do I stand in the EU? Income comparisons and perceptionsBublitz, Elisabeth; Jäger, Julian; Wang, Hequn; Beblo, Miriam; Lohmann, Henning
2022Perceived income positions and attitudes towards EU inequality: A cross-country survey experimentBublitz, Elisabeth; Wang, Hequn; Jäger, Julian; Beblo, Miriam; Lohmann, Henning