Browsing All of EconStor by Author Begg, Iain

Showing results 1 to 19 of 19
Year of PublicationTitleAuthor(s)
2002How will EMU affect cohesion?Ardy, Brian; Begg, Iain; Schelkle, Waltraud; Torres, Francisco
2005Do we really need a Lisbon strategy?Begg, Iain
2007The 2008/2009 review of the EU budget: Real or cosmetic?Begg, Iain
2008Structural policy and economic convergenceBegg, Iain
2010Europe 2020 - a promising strategy?Egenhofer, Christian; Soete, Luc; Lannoo, Karel; Csaba, László; Begg, Iain; Pochet, Philippe; Bongardt, Annette; Torres, Francisco
2012Banking Union: Inevitable, But Profoundly Challenging?Begg, Iain
2013The Interaction of Political, Fiscal and Financial Stability: Lessons from the CrisisGnan, Ernest; Nowotny, Ewald; Simor, András; Begg, Iain; Bosomworth, Andrew; Panizza, Ugo; Bartsch, Elga; Kraemer, Moritz
2016How is the Irish Fiscal Advisory Council Performing? An Independent Evaluation of the First Years of IFACJonung, Lars; Begg, Iain; Tutty, Michael G.
2016Brexit: Why, What Next and How?Begg, Iain
2017Fiscal Rules and the Scope for Risk SharingBegg, Iain
2018Innovative Directions for EU Cohesion Policy after 2020Begg, Iain
2020Enhancing Europe’s Global Power: A Scenario Exercise with Eight ProposalsAbels, Christoph M.; Anheier, Helmut K.; Begg, Iain; Featherstone, Kevin
2020Enhancing Europe’s Power: A RejoinderAbels, Christoph M.; Anheier, Helmut K.; Begg, Iain; Featherstone, Kevin
2021Rethinking UK Economic PolicyBegg, Iain
2021One Instrument, Many Goals: Some Delicate Challenges Facing the EU’s Recovery FundBegg, Iain
2023Five countries, five models: A comparison of fiscal frameworks and lessons for FinlandBegg, Iain; Kuusi, Tero; Kylliäinen, Olavi
2023The EU's increasingly complex finances: A ticking bomb?Begg, Iain
2023EU Finances in Search of a New ApproachBegg, Iain
2024The EU's future prosperity: What role for the fiscal framework?Begg, Iain; Cicak, Daniel