Browsen in EconStor gesamt nach Autor:innen Bartholomae, Florian W.

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2006Oil Price Indexing Of Natural Gas Prices: An Economic AnalysisBartholomae, Florian W.; Morasch, Karl
2006Trade And Pension SystemsBartholomae, Florian W.
2009Regional income distribution and human capital formation: A model of intergenerational education transfer in a global contextBartholomae, Florian W.; Popescu, Alina M.
2009Smart entry in local retail markets for electricity and natural gasBartholomae, Florian W.; Morasch, Karl; Tóth, Rita Orsolya
2009Die ökonomische Bewertung rechtlicher Schutzfragen bezüglich virtueller Objekte auf Online-Plattformen, insbesondere MMORPGsBartholomae, Florian W.; Koch, Pamela
2013Networks, hackers, and nonprotected consumersBartholomae, Florian W.
2015Urban Shrinkage in Eastern GermanyBartholomae, Florian W.; Nam, Chang Woon; Schoenberg, Alina
2017Economic effects of recent social and technological developmentsBartholomae, Florian W.
2017Urban Resurgence as a Consumer City: A Case Study for Weimar in Eastern GermanyBartholomae, Florian W.; Nam, Chang Woon; Schoenberg, Alina
2018Ökonomische Auswirkungen der Digitalisierung auf den internationalen Wettbewerb und die internationale ArbeitsteilungBartholomae, Florian W.
2019Two Shades of Urban Shrinkage: Innovation and Economic Structure in Cities with a Declining PopulationBartholomae, Florian W.; Schoenberg, Alina M.
2020The Impact of Welfare Chauvinism on the Results of Right-Wing Populist Voting in Germany after the Refugee CrisisBartholomae, Florian W.; Nam, Chang Woon; Rafih, Pierre
2021Government Interventions during the Coronavirus Pandemic – A Critical ConsiderationBartholomae, Florian W.; Stumpfegger, Eva
2022Wahlerfolg der AfD und die Flüchtlingskrise: Spielen regionale Disparitäten eine Rolle?Bartholomae, Florian W.; Nam, Chang Woon; Rafih, Pierre
2023A Critical Discussion on the Reasons and Impacts of International DecouplingBartholomae, Florian W.; Nam, Chang-woon