Browsen in EconStor gesamt nach Autor:innen de Haan, Jakob

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2005Government debt management in the euro area - recent theoretical developments and changes in practicesWolswijk, Guido; de Haan, Jakob
2005Has the stability and growth pact impeded political budget cycles in the European Union?Mink, Mark; de Haan, Jakob
2006Does ECB communication help in predicting its interest rate decisions?Jansen, David-Jan; de Haan, Jakob; Schaltegger, Christoph A.
2006Was hätte man sonst machen können? Alternativszenarien zur rot-grünen EinkommensteuerreformBönke, Timm; de Haan, Jakob
2006Does money matter in the ECB strategy? New evidence based on ECB communicationBerger, Helge; de Haan, Jakob; Sturm, Jan-Egbert
2006Does money matter in the ECB strategy? : New evidence based on ECB communicationBerger, Helge; de Haan, Jakob; Sturm, Jan-Egbert
2007The importance of being vigilant: has ECB communication influenced Euro area inflation expectations?Jansen, David-Jan; de Haan, Jakob
2007Does high inflation cause central bankers to lose their job? Evidence based on a new data setDreher, Axel; Sturm, Jan-Egbert; de Haan, Jakob
2007Does high inflation cause central bankers to lose their job?: evidence based on a new data setDreher, Axel; Sturm, Jan-Egbert; de Haan, Jakob
2007Political regime change, economic reform and growth accelerationsJong-A-Pin, Richard; de Haan, Jakob
2007Measuring synchronicity and co-movement of business cycles with an application to the euro areaMink, Mark; Jacobs, Jan P.A.M.; de Haan, Jakob
2007Interest rate linkages in EMU countries: a rolling threshold vector error-correction approachPoghosyan, Tigran; de Haan, Jakob; Holmås, Tor Helge
2008Determinants of cross-border bank acquisitions in transition economies: a latent class analysisPoghosyan, Tigran; de Haan, Jakob
2008Central Bank communication and monetary policy: a survey of theory and evidenceBlinder, Alan S.; Ehrmann, Michael; de Haan, Jakob; Fratzscher, Marcel; Jansen, David-Jan
2008Time-varying impact of public capital on output: New evidence based on VARs for OECD countriesJong-A-Pin, Richard; de Haan, Jakob
2009Does central bank communication really lead to better forecasts of policy decisions? : new evidence based on a Taylor rule model for the ECBSturm, Jan-Egbert; de Haan, Jakob
2009Growth and earnings persistence in banking firms: a dynamic panel investigationShehzad, Choudhry Tanveer; de Haan, Jakob; Scholtens , Bert
2010How much does the public know about the ECB's monetary policy? Evidence from a survey of Dutch householdsvan der Cruijsen, Carin; Jansen, David-Jan; de Haan, Jakob
2011Trade, trust and institutionsYu, Shu; de Haan, Jakob; Beugelsdijk, Sjoerd
2012Testing uncovered interest rate parity using LIBOROmer, Muhammad; de Haan, Jakob; Scholtens, Bert