Browsing All of EconStor by Author Paloviita, Maritta

Showing results 21 to 40 of 41
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Year of PublicationTitleAuthor(s)
2016How informative are aggregated inflation expectations? Evidence from the ECB Survey of Professional ForecastersOinonen, Sami; Paloviita, Maritta
2016Anchoring of inflation expectations in the euro area: recent evidence based on survey dataŁyziak, Tomasz; Paloviita, Maritta
2016How to explain errors in budget balance forecasts in euro area countries? Empirical evidence based on real-time dataPaloviita, Maritta; Ikonen, Pasi
2017Formation of inflation expectations in turbulent times: Can ECB manage inflation expectations of professional forecasters?Łyziak, Tomasz; Paloviita, Maritta
2017What does "below, but close to, two percent" mean? Assessing the ECB's reaction function with real time dataPaloviita, Maritta; Haavio, Markus; Jalasjoki, Pirkka; Kilponen, Juha
2018Effects of monetary policy decisions on professional forecasters' expectations and expectations uncertaintyOinonen, Sami; Paloviita, Maritta; Viren, Matti
2019Assessing reliability of aggregated inflation views in the European Commission consumer surveyStanisławska, Ewa; Paloviita, Maritta; Łyziak, Tomasz
2019IQ, expectations, and choiceD'Acunto, Francesco; Hoang, Daniel; Paloviita, Maritta; Weber, Michael
2019Cognitive abilities and inflation expectationsD'Acunto, Francesco; Hoang, Daniel; Paloviita, Maritta; Weber, Michael
2019IQ, Expectations, and ChoiceD'Acunto, Francesco; Hoang, Daniel; Paloviita, Maritta; Weber, Michael
2019Human frictions in the transmission of economic policyD'Acunto, Francesco; Hoang, Daniel; Paloviita, Maritta; Weber, Michael
2020Effective policy communication: Targets versus instrumentsD'Acunto, Francesco; Hoang, Daniel; Paloviita, Maritta; Weber, Michael
2020Reading between the lines: Using text analysis to estimate the loss function of the ECBPaloviita, Maritta; Haavio, Markus; Jalasjoki, Pirkka; Kilponen, Juha; Vänni, Ilona
2021Human frictions in the transmission of economic policyD'Acunto, Francesco; Hoang, Daniel; Paloviita, Maritta; Weber, Michael
2021Medium- vs. short-term consumer inflation expectations: Evidence from a new euro area surveyStanisławska, Ewa; Paloviita, Maritta
2021The bias and efficiency of the ECB inflation projections: A state dependent analysisGranziera, Eleonora; Jalasjoki, Pirkka; Paloviita, Maritta
2021Effective policy communication: Targets versus instrumentsD'Acunto, Francesco; Hoang, Daniel; Paloviita, Maritta; Weber, Michael
2021The bias and efficiency of the ECB inflation projections: A state dependent analysisGranziera, Eleonora; Jalasjoki, Pirkka; Paloviita, Maritta
2023Cognitive constraints and economic incentivesD'Acunto, Francesco; Hoang, Daniel; Paloviita, Maritta; Weber, Michael
2024The bias of the ECB inflation projections: A State-dependent analysisGranziera, Eleonora; Jalasjoki, Pirkka; Paloviita, Maritta