Browsing All of EconStor by Author Lergetporer, Philipp

Showing results 21 to 40 of 131
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Year of PublicationTitleAuthor(s)
2017Public Opinion on Education Policy in GermanyLergetporer, Philipp; Werner, Katharina; Wößmann, Ludger
2017Public Opinion on Education Policy in GermanyLergetporer, Philipp; Werner, Katharina; Woessmann, Ludger
2017Fürchten sich die Deutschen vor der Digitalisierung? Ergebnisse des ifo Bildungsbarometers 2017Wößmann, Ludger; Lergetporer, Philipp; Grewenig, Elisabeth; Kugler, Franziska; Werner, Katharina
2017Do Natives' Beliefs About Refugees' Education Level Affect Attitudes Toward Refugees? Evidence from Randomized Survey ExperimentsLergetporer, Philipp; Piopiunik, Marc; Simon, Lisa
2018Educational Inequality and Public Policy Preferences: Evidence From Representative Survey ExperimentsLergetporer, Philipp; Werner, Katharina; Woessmann, Ludger
2018Entry Barriers and the Labor Market Outcomes of Incumbent Workers: Evidence from a Deregulation Reform in the German Crafts SectorLergetporer, Philipp; Ruhose, Jens; Simon, Lisa
2018Does Ignorance of Economic Returns and Costs Explain the Educational Aspiration Gap? Evidence from Representative Survey ExperimentsLergetporer, Philipp; Werner, Katharina; Wößmann, Ludger
2018Can Online Surveys Represent the Entire Population?Grewenig, Elisabeth; Lergetporer, Philipp; Simon, Lisa; Werner, Katharina; Woessmann, Ludger
2018Was denken die Deutschen zu Geschlechterthemen und Gleichstellung in der Bildung? – Ergebnisse des ifo Bildungsbarometers 2018Wößmann, Ludger; Lergetporer, Philipp; Grewenig, Elisabeth; Kersten, Sarah; Werner, Katharina
2018Denken Jugendliche anders über Bildungspolitik als Erwachsene?Wößmann, Ludger; Lergetporer, Philipp; Grewenig, Elisabeth; Kersten, Sarah; Werner, Katharina
2018Can Online Surveys Represent the Entire Population?Grewenig, Elisabeth; Lergetporer, Philipp; Simon, Lisa; Werner, Katharina; Woessmann, Ludger
2018Does Ignorance of Economic Returns and Costs Explain the Educational Aspiration Gap? Evidence from Representative Survey ExperimentsLergetporer, Philipp; Werner, Katharina; Woessmann, Ludger
2018Can Online Surveys Represent the Entire Population?Grewenig, Elisabeth; Lergetporer, Philipp; Simon, Lisa; Werner, Katharina; Wößmann, Ludger
2018Does Ignorance of Economic Returns and Costs Explain the Educational Aspiration Gap? Evidence From Representative Survey ExperimentsLergetporer, Philipp; Werner, Katharina; Woessmann, Ludger
2018Educational Inequality and Public Policy Preferences: Evidence from Representative Survey ExperimentsLergetporer, Philipp; Werner, Katharina; Wößmann, Ludger
2018Entry Barriers and the Labor Market Outcomes of Incumbent Workers: Evidence from a Deregulation Reform in the German Crafts SectorLergetporer, Philipp; Ruhose, Jens; Simon, Lisa
2018Discrimination at Young Age: Experimental Evidence from Preschool ChildrenBindra, Parampreet Christopher; Glätzle-Rützler, Daniela; Lergetporer, Philipp
2018Educational Inequality and Public Policy Preferences: Evidence from Representative Survey ExperimentsLergetporer, Philipp; Werner, Katharina; Woessmann, Ludger
2019Incentives, search engines, and the elicitation of subjective beliefs: Evidence from representative online survey experimentsGrewenig, Elisabeth; Lergetporer, Philipp; Werner, Katharina; Woessmann, Ludger
2019Incentives, search engines, and the elicitation of subjective beliefs: evidence from representative online survey experimentsGrewenig, Elisabeth; Lergetporer, Philipp; Werner, Katharina; Wößmann, Ludger