Browsing All of EconStor by Author Haufler, Andreas

Showing results 41 to 60 of 106
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Year of PublicationTitleAuthor(s)
2005Merger Policy to Promote Global Players? A Simple ModelHaufler, Andreas; Nielsen, Søren Bo
2005Merger policy to promote "global players"? : A simple modelHaufler, Andreas; Nielsen, Søren Bo
2005Tax competition when firms choose their organizational form: Should tax loopholes for multinationals be closed?Bucovetsky, Sam; Haufler, Andreas
2006Economic integration and redistribuitive taxationHaufler, Andreas; Klemm, Alexander; Schejederup, Guttorm
2006Preferential tax regimes with asymmetric countriesBucovetsky, Sam; Haufler, Andreas
2006Die Besteuerung multinationaler UnternehmenHaufler, Andreas
2006Globalisation and the mix of wage and profit taxesHaufler, Andreas; Klemm, Alexander; Schjelderup, Guttorm
2006Economic integration and redistributive taxation: a simple model with ambiguous resultsHaufler, Andreas; Klemm, Alexander; Schjelderup, Guttorm
2006Globalisation and the mix of wage and profit taxesHaufler, Andreas; Klemm, Alexander; Schjelderup, Guttorm
2006Company tax coordination cum tax rate competition in the European UnionEggert, Wolfgang; Haufler, Andreas
2006Preferential tax regimes with asymmetric countriesBucovetsky, Sam; Haufler, Andreas
2006Company Tax Coordination cum Tax Rate Competition in the European UnionEggert, Wolfgang; Haufler, Andreas
2007Competition for firms in an oligopolistic industry: do firms or countries have to pay?Haufler, Andreas; Wooton, Ian
2007Merger Policy and Tax CompetitionHaufler, Andreas; Schulte, Christian
2007Competition for Firms in an Oligopolistic Industry: Do Firms or Countries Have to Pay?Haufler, Andreas; Wooton, Ian
2007Merger policy and tax competitionHaufler, Andreas; Schulte, Christian
2007Sollen multinationale Unternehmen weniger Steuern bezahlen?Haufler, Andreas
2007Merger Policy and Tax CompetitionHaufler, Andreas; Schulte, Christian
2008Unionisation triggers tax incentives to attract foreign direct investmentHaufler, Andreas; Mittermaier, Ferdinand
2008Unionisation triggers tax incentives to attract foreign direct investmentHaufler, Andreas; Mittermaier, Ferdinand