Browsing All of EconStor by Author Fernández-Val, Iván

Showing results 21 to 40 of 48
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Year of PublicationTitleAuthor(s)
2017Nonseparable multinomial choice models in cross-section and panel dataChernozhukov, Victor; Fernández-Val, Iván; Newey, Whitney K.
2017Quantreg.nonpar: An R package for performing nonparametric series quantile regressionLipsitz, Michael; Belloni, Alexandre; Chernozhukov, Victor; Fernández-Val, Iván
2017Extremal quantile regression: An overviewChernozhukov, Victor; Fernández-Val, Iván; Kaji, Tetsuya
2017Counterfactual analysis in R$aa vignetteChen, Mingli; Chernozhukov, Victor; Fernández-Val, Iván; Melly, Blaise
2017Semiparametric estimation of structural functions in nonseparable triangular modelsChernozhukov, Victor; Fernández-Val, Iván; Newey, Whitney; Stouli, Sami; Vella, Francis
2018Network and panel quantile effects via distribution regressionChernozhukov, Victor; Fernández-Val, Iván; Weidner, Martin
2018Nonlinear factor models for network and panel dataChen, Mingli; Fernández-Val, Iván; Weidner, Martin
2018Nonseparable Sample Selection Models with Censored Selection Rules: An Application to Wage DecompositionsFernández-Val, Iván; van Vuuren, Aico; Vella, Francis
2018Distribution regression with sample selection, with an application to wage decompositions in the UKChernozhukov, Victor; Fernández-Val, Iván; Luo, Siyi
2018Fixed effect estimation of large T panel data modelsFernández-Val, Iván; Weidner, Martin
2018Network and panel quantile effects via distribution regressionChernozhukov, Victor; Fernández-Val, Iván; Weidner, Martin
2018Nonseparable sample selection models with censored selection rulesFernández-Val, Iván; van Vuuren, Aico; Vella, Francis
2018Decomposing Real Wage Changes in the United StatesFernández-Val, Iván; van Vuuren, Aico; Vella, Francis
2019Decomposing Changes in the Distribution of Real Hourly Wages in the U.S.Fernández-Val, Iván; Peracchi, Franco; Vella, Francis; van Vuuren, Aico
2019Nonlinear factor models for network and panel dataChen, Mingli; Fernández-Val, Iván; Weidner, Martin
2019Mastering panel metrics: Causal impact of democracy on growthChen, Shuowen; Chernozhukov, Victor; Fernández-Val, Iván
2020Low-rank approximations of nonseparable panel modelsFernández-Val, Iván; Freeman, Hugo; Weidner, Martin
2020Semiparametric estimation of structural functions in nonseparable triangular modelsChernozhukov, Victor; Fernández-Val, Iván; Newey, Whitney K.; Stouli, Sami; Vella, Francis
2020Network and panel quantile effects via distribution regressionChernozhukov, Victor; Fernández-Val, Iván; Weidner, Martin
2020Hours Worked and the U.S. Distribution of Real Annual Earnings 1976–2016Fernández-Val, Iván; Peracchi, Franco; van Vuuren, Aico; Vella, Francis