Browsing All of EconStor by Author Checchi, Daniele

Showing results 21 to 40 of 52
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Year of PublicationTitleAuthor(s)
2008Labour market institutions and income inequalityChecchi, Daniele; García-Peñalosa, Cecilia
2010Fair and unfair income inequalities in EuropeChecchi, Daniele; Peragine, Vito; Serlenga, Laura
2011Institutional reforms and educational attainment in Europe: A long run perspectiveBraga, Michela; Checchi, Daniele; Meschi, Elena
2013Who Chooses Which Private Education? Theory and International EvidenceBertola, Giuseppe; Checchi, Daniele
2013Re-testing PISA Students One Year Later: On School Value Added Estimation Using OECD-PISABratti, Massimiliano; Checchi, Daniele
2014Labour-Market Institutions and the Dispersion of Wage EarningsSalverda, Wiemer; Checchi, Daniele
2014Educational Policies and Income InequalityChecchi, Daniele; van de Werfhorst, Herman G.
2014And the Winners Are…: An Axiomatic Approach to Selection from a SetChecchi, Daniele; De Fraja, Gianni; Verzillo, Stefano
2014Publish or Perish? Incentives and Careers in Italian AcademiaChecchi, Daniele; De Fraja, Gianni; Verzillo, Stefano
2015IC Technology and Learning: An Impact Evaluation of Cl@ssi2.0Checchi, Daniele; Rettore, Enrico; Girardi, Silvia
2015Gender quotas or girls' networks? Towards an understanding of recruitment in the research profession in ItalyChecchi, Daniele; Cicognani, Simona; Kulic, Nevena
2016Are changes in the dispersion of hours worked a cause of increased earnings inequality?Checchi, Daniele; García-Peñalosa, Cecilia; Vivian, Lara
2016Skilled or educated? Educational reforms, human capital and earningsCappellari, Lorenzo; Castelnovo, Paolo; Checchi, Daniele; Leonardi, Marco
2017Does Random Selection of Commissioners Improve the Quality of Selected Candidates? An Investigation in the Italian AcademiaChecchi, Daniele; De Poli, Silvia; Rettore, Enrico
2017The Effect of Multigrade Classes on Cognitive and Non-Cognitive Skills: Causal Evidence Exploiting Minimum Class Size Rules in ItalyChecchi, Daniele; De Paola, Maria
2018Empirical challenges comparing inequality across countries: The case of middle-income countries from the LIS databaseChecchi, Daniele; Cupak, Andrej; Munzi, Teresa; Gornick, Janet C.
2018Empirical challenges comparing inequality across countries: The case of middle-income countries from the LIS databaseChecchi, Daniele; Cupak, Andrej; Munzi, Teresa; Gornick, Janet C.
2018Gender Quotas or Girls' Networks? Evidence from an Italian Research SelectionChecchi, Daniele; Cicognani, Simona; Kulic, Nevena
2018The long term evolution of inequality of opportunityBussolo, Maurizio; Checchi, Daniele; Peragine, Vitorocco
2019Have You Read This? An Empirical Comparison of the British REF Peer Review and the Italian VQR Bibliometric AlgorithmChecchi, Daniele; Ciolfi, Alberto; De Fraja, Gianni; Mazzotta, Irene; Verzillo, Stefano