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2015Productivity Signalling and Further Training. Evidence on Absence Behaviour, Presenteeism and Overtime Hours of German EmployeesBrändle, Tobias
2016The Employment Effects of the EU Eastern Enlargement in GermanyBrändle, Tobias; Kalweit, René
2017Give it another try: What are the effects of a public employment scheme especially designed for hard-to-place workers?Brändle, Tobias; Fervers, Lukas
2018Auswirkungen der Marktöffnung im Außenhandel für Wirtschaft, Wachstum und Arbeitsplätze in Deutschland (1990-2014)Felbermayr, Gabriel; Gröschl, Jasmin Katrin; Kohler, Wilhelm; Brändle, Tobias; Koch, Andreas
2018Give it Another Try: What are the Effects of a Job Creation Scheme Especially Designed for Hard-to-Place Workers?Brändle, Tobias; Fervers, Lukas
2018Operationalizing seasonal work in GermanySpäth, Jochen; Brändle, Tobias; Preuss, Stefan; Reiner, Marcel
2018The One Constant: A Causal Effect of Collective Bargaining on Employment Growth?Brändle, Tobias; Goerke, Laszlo
2020Recruitment strategies and match quality - New evidence from representative linked employer-employee dataBrändle, Tobias; Grunau, Philipp; Haylock, Michael; Kampkötter, Patrick
2020Accounting for investment risk in educational decisions: New evidence for lifetime returns in GermanyZühlke, Anne; Kugler, Philipp; Hackenberger, Armin; Brändle, Tobias
2021Give it Another Try: What are the Effects of a Job Creation Scheme Especially Designed for Hard-to-Place Workers?Brändle, Tobias; Fervers, Lukas
2023Entgelttransparenzgesetz erreicht Ziel nichtBrändle, Tobias; Koch, Andreas
2024Die Reform des Arbeitnehmerüberlassungsgesetzes und TarifautonomieBrändle, Tobias; Kalweit, René; Reiner, Marcel
2024Unions and Collective Bargaining: The Influence on Wages, Employment and Firm SurvivalBrändle, Tobias