Browsing All of EconStor by Author Hultkrantz, Lars

Showing results 1 to 19 of 19
Year of PublicationTitleAuthor(s)
2021Willingness to pay for private and public improvements of vulnerable road users’ safetyAndersson Järnberg, Linda; Andrén, Daniela; Hultkrantz, Lars; Rutström, E. Elisabet; Vimefall, Elin
2021Willingness to pay for private and public improvements of vulnerable road users' safetyAndersson Järnberg, Linda; Andrén, Daniela; Hultkrantz, Lars; Rutström, E.Elisabet; Vimefall, Elin
2019Is Prevention of Suicide Worth Less? -A Comparison of the Value per Statistical LifeVimefall, Elin; Persson, Mattias; Olofsson, Sara; Hultkrantz, Lars
2016Dread and Risk Elimination Premium for the Value of a Statistical LifeOlofsson, Sara; Gerdtham, Ulf-G.; Hultkrantz, Lars; Persson, Ulf
2016Estimating "Gamma" for Tail-hedge Discount Rates When Project Returns Are Co-integrated with GDPHultkrantz, Lars; Mantalos, Panagiotis
2016Measuring the End of Life Premium in Cancer using Individual ex ante Willingness to PayOlofsson, Sara; Gerdtham, Ulf-G.; Hultkrantz, Lars; Persson, Ulf
2016Social Investment Funds in Sweden: Status and Design IssuesHultkrantz, Lars; Vimefall, Elin
2016Value of a QALY and VSI Estimated with the Chained ApproachOlofsson, Sara; Gerdtham, Ulf-G.; Hultkrantz, Lars; Persson, Ulf
2016Hedging with Trees: Tail-Hedge Discounting of Long-Term Forestry ReturnsHultkrantz, Lars; Mantalos, Panagiotis
2016Chained Approach vs Contingent Valuation for Estimating the Value of Risk ReductionOlofsson, Sara; Gerdtham, Ulf-G.; Hultkrantz, Lars; Persson, Ulf
2013Design of a Combinatorial Bidding Market for Green Corridor FreightHultkrantz, Lars; Lunander, Anders
2013Stumpage Prices in Sweden 1909-2011: Testing for Non-StationarityAndersson, Linda; Hultkrantz, Lars; Mantalos, Panagiotis
2012A Comparison of Benefit Cost and Cost Utility Analysis in Practice: Divergent Policies in SwedenHultkrantz, Lars; Svensson, Mikael
2012A Note on High-Speed Rail Investments and Travelers' Value of TimeHultkrantz, Lars
2012Risk-adjusted long term social rates of discount for transportation infrastructure investmentHultkrantz, Lars; Krüger, Niclas A.; Mantalos, Panagiotis
2011Accident cost, speed and vehicle mass externalties, and insuranceHultkrantz, Lars; Lindberg, Gunnar
2010Mitigating Hypothetical Bias in Value of Time Studies: Lab-Experiment ResultsHultkrantz, Lars; Shengcong, Xue
2009Pay-as-you-speed: An economic field-experimentHultkrantz, Lars; Lindberg, Gunnar
2005A review of universal-service policyHultkrantz, Lars