Browsing All of EconStor by Author Algan, Yann

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Year of PublicationTitleAuthor(s)
2004Job Protection : The Macho HypothesisCahuc, Pierre; Algan, Yann
2005The roots of low European employment: family culture?Algan, Yann; Cahuc, Pierre
2006Civic attitudes and the design of labor market institutions: which countries can implement the Danish flexicurity model?Algan, Yann; Cahuc, Pierre
2007Social attitudes and economic development: an epidemiological approachAlgan, Yann; Cahuc, Pierre
2008Can policy interact with culture? Minimum wage and the quality of labor relationsAghion, Philippe; Algan, Yann; Cahuc, Pierre
2009The economic situation of first- and second-generation immigrants in France, Germany, and the UKAlgan, Yann; Dustmann, Christian; Glitz, Albrecht; Manning, Alan
2009The Economic Situation of First- and Second-Generation Immigrants in France, Germany, and the UKAlgan, Yann; Dustmann, Christian; Glitz, Albrecht; Manning, Alan
2010Assimilation and integration of immigrants in EuropeAleksynska, Mariya; Algan, Yann
2010Family values and the regulation of laborAlesina, Alberto; Algan, Yann; Cahuc, Pierre; Giuliano, Paola
2010Family values and the regulation of laborAlesina, Alberto; Algan, Yann; Cahuc, Pierre; Giuliano, Paola
2011Efficient and inefficient welfare statesAlgan, Yann; Cahuc, Pierre; Sangnier, Marc
2011Diversity and public goods: A natural experiment with exogenous residential allocationAlgan, Yann; Hémet, Camille; Laitin, David
2011Teaching practices and social capitalAlgan, Yann; Cahuc, Pierre; Shleifer, Andrei
2012Cultural Integration of Immigrants in EuropeAlgan, Yann; Bisin, Alberto; Manning, Alan; Verdier, Thierry
2013Trust, Growth and Well-being: New Evidence and Policy ImplicationsAlgan, Yann; Cahuc, Pierre
2014The superiority of economistsFourcade, Marion; Ollion, Etienne; Algan, Yann
2014Trust and the Welfare State: The Twin Peaks CurveAlgan, Yann; Cahuc, Pierre; Sangnier, Marc
2016Computer Gaming and Test Scores: Cross-Country Gender Differences among TeenagersAlgan, Yann; Fortin, Nicole M.
2019Friendship networks and political opinions: A natural experiment among future French politiciansAlgan, Yann; Dalvit, Nicolò; Do, Quoc-Anh; Le Chapelain, Alexis; Zenou, Yves
2020Friendship Networks and Political Opinions: A Natural Experiment among Future French PoliticiansAlgan, Yann; Dalvit, Nicolò; Do, Quoc-Anh; Le Chapelain, Alexis; Zenou, Yves