Browsing All of EconStor by Author Burkhauser, Richard V.

Showing results 21 to 40 of 52
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Year of PublicationTitleAuthor(s)
2007Using the P90/P10 index to measure US inquality trends with current population survey data: a view from inside the Census Bureau vaultsBurkhauser, Richard V.; Feng, Shuaizhang; Jenkins, Stephen P.
2007Winners and Losers over the 1990s Business Cycles in Germany, Great Britain, Japan, and the United StatesBurkhauser, Richard V.; Oshio, Takashi; Rovba, Ludmila
2007Comparing Economic Outcomes of Populations with DisabilitiesBurkhauser, Richard V.; Schroeder, Mathis
2008Estimating trends in US income inequality using the current population survey: the importance of controlling for censoringBurkhauser, Richard V.; Feng, Shuaizhang; Jenkins, Stephen P.; Larrimore, Jeff
2008Estimating trends in US income inequality using the Current Population Survey: the importance of controlling for censoringBurkhauser, Richard V.; Feng, Shuaizhang; Jenkins, Stephen P.; Larrimore, Jeff
2008Creating an EU Flexicurity System: An American PerspectiveBurkhauser, Richard V.
2009Recent trends in top income shares in the USA: reconciling estimates from march CPS and IRS tax return dataBurkhauser, Richard V.; Feng, Shuaizhang; Jenkins, Stephen P.; Larrimore, Jeff
2009Measuring inequality using censored data: a multiple imputation approachJenkins, Stephen P.; Burkhauser, Richard V.; Feng, Shuaizhang; Larrimore, Jeff
2009Measuring inequality using censored data: a multiple imputation approachJenkins, Stephen P.; Burkhauser, Richard V.; Feng, Shuaizhang; Larrimore, Jeff
2009Measuring inequality using censored data: a multiple imputation approachJenkins, Stephen P.; Burkhauser, Richard V.; Feng, Shuaizhang; Larrimore, Jeff
2009Recent trends in top income shares in the USA: reconciling estimates from March CPS and IRS tax return dataBurkhauser, Richard V.; Feng, Shuaizhang; Jenkins, Stephen P.; Larrimore, Jeff
2011Trends in Intragenerational Income Mobility in the Western States of Germany and the United States (1984 – 2006)Bayaz, Gulgun; Burkhauser, Richard V.; Couch, Kenneth A.
2014Disability benefit growth and disability reform in the US: Lessons from other OECD nationsBurkhauser, Richard V.; Daly, Mary C.; McVicar, Duncan; Wilkins, Roger
2014Why minimum wage increases are a poor way to help the working poorBurkhauser, Richard V.
2015The minimum wage versus the earned income tax credit for reducing povertyBurkhauser, Richard V.
2015Protecting Working-Age People with Disabilities: Experiences of Four Industrialized NationsBurkhauser, Richard V.; Daly, Mary C.; Ziebarth, Nicolas R.
2016Australia Farewell: Predictors of Emigration in the 2000sBurkhauser, Richard V.; Hahn, Markus; Hall, Matthew; Watson, Nicole
2016What Has Been Happening to UK Income Inequality since the Mid-1990s? Answers from Reconciled and Combined Household Survey and Tax Return DataBurkhauser, Richard V.; Herault, Nicolas; Jenkins, Stephen P.; Wilkins, Roger
2016What has been happening to UK income inequality since the mid-1990s? Answers from reconciled and combined household survey and tax return dataBurkhauser, Richard V.; Hérault, Nicolas; Jenkins, Stephen P.; Wilkins, Roger
2016Protecting working-age people with disabilities: experiences of four industrialized nationsBurkhauser, Richard V.; Daly, Mary C.; Ziebarth, Nicolas