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2019Pitfalls of central clearing in the presence of systematic riskKubitza, Christian; Pelizzon, Loriana; Getmansky Sherman, Mila
2019Credit scoring in SME asset-backed securities: An Italian case studyBedin, Andrea; Billio, Monica; Costola, Michele; Pelizzon, Loriana
2019Buildings' energy efficiency and the probability of mortgage default: The Dutch caseBillio, Monica; Costola, Michele; Pelizzon, Loriana; Riedel, Max
2019The anatomy of the euro area interest rate swap marketFontana, Silvia Dalla; Holz auf der Heide, Marco; Pelizzon, Loriana; Scheicher, Martin
2019Risk Pooling, Leverage, and the Business CycleDindo, Pietro; Modena, Andrea; Pelizzon, Loriana
2019What are the main factors for the subdued profitability of significant banks in the Banking Union, and is the ECB's supervisory response conclusive and exhaustive? A critical assessment of the 2018 SSM report on bank profitability and business modelsFarina, Tatiana; Krahnen, Jan Pieter; Pelizzon, Loriana; Wahrenburg, Mark
2019Credit scoring in SME asset-backed securities: An Italian case studyBedin, Andrea; Billio, Monica; Costola, Michele; Pelizzon, Loriana
2019OTC discountde Roure, Calebe; Mönch, Emanuel; Pelizzon, Loriana; Schneider, Michael
2019The anatomy of the euro area interest rate swap marketFontana, Silvia Dalla; Holz auf der Heide, Marco; Pelizzon, Loriana; Scheicher, Martin
2020Resiliency: Cross-venue dynamics with Hawkes processesPelizzon, Loriana; Sagade, Satchit; Vozian, Katia
2020Does monetary policy impact international market co-movements?Caporin, Massimiliano; Pelizzon, Loriana; Plazzi, Alberto
2020Corona and financial stability 3.0: Try equity - risk sharing for companies, large and smallBoot, Arnoud W. A.; Carletti, Elena; Kotz, Hans-Helmut; Krahnen, Jan Pieter; Pelizzon, Loriana; Subrahmanyam, Marti G.
2020What are the wider supervisory implications of the Wirecard case?Langenbucher, Katja; Leuz, Christian; Krahnen, Jan Pieter; Pelizzon, Loriana
2020The COVID-19 shock and equity shortfall: Firm-level evidence from ItalyCarletti, Elena; Oliviero, Tommaso; Pagano, Marco; Pelizzon, Loriana; Subrahmanyam, Marti G.
2020Corona and financial stability 2.0: Act jointly now, but also think about tomorrowBoot, Arnoud W. A.; Carletti, Elena; Kotz, Hans-Helmut; Krahnen, Jan Pieter; Pelizzon, Loriana; Subrahmanyam, Marti G.
2020Inside the ESG ratings: (Dis)agreement and performanceBillio, Monica; Costola, Michele; Hristova, Iva; Latino, Carmelo; Pelizzon, Loriana
2020Collateral eligibility of corporate debt in the EurosystemPelizzon, Loriana; Riedel, Max; Simon, Zorka; Subrahmanyam, Marti G.
2020The Coronavirus and financial stabilityBoot, Arnoud W. A.; Carletti, Elena; Haselmann, Rainer; Kotz, Hans-Helmut; Krahnen, Jan Pieter; Pelizzon, Loriana; Schaefer, Stephen M.; Subrahmanyam, Marti G.
2020Priorities for the CMU agendaKrahnen, Jan Pieter; Pelizzon, Loriana
2020Risk pooling, leverage, and the business cycleDindo, Pietro; Modena, Andrea; Pelizzon, Loriana