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2020Strategies for sustainable upgrading in global value chains: The Egyptian textile and apparel sectorGrumiller, Jan; Raza, Werner G.; Grohs, Hannes
2018The economic partnership agreements with Africa: Macroeconomic impacts and pro-developmental policy responsesTröster, Bernhard; Grohs, Hannes; Grumiller, Jan; Raza, Werner; Staritz, Cornelia; von Arnim, Rudi
2018Strategies for sustainable upgrading in global value chains: The Ivorian and Ghanaian cocoa processing sectorsGrumiller, Jan; Grohs, Hannes; Raza, Werner; Staritz, Cornelia; Tröster, Bernhard
2018Strategies for sustainable upgrading in global value chains: The Tunisian olive oil sectorGrumiller, Jan; Grohs, Hannes; Raza, Werner; Staritz, Cornelia; Tröster, Bernhard
2022Sustainability in the cocoa-chocolate global value chain: From voluntary initiatives to binding rules?Grumiller, Jan; Grohs, Hannes
2018Strategies for sustainable upgrading in global value chains: The Ivorian and Ghanaian mango sectorsGrumiller, Jan; Arndt, Christoph; Grohs, Hannes; Raza, Werner; Staritz, Cornelia; Tröster, Bernhard
2018The EU-Tunisia Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Area (DCFTA): Macroeconomic impacts and pro-developmental policy responsesTröster, Bernhard; Raza, Werner; Grohs, Hannes; Grumiller, Jan; Staritz, Cornelia; von Arnim, Rudi
2018Strategies for sustainable upgrading in global value chains: The Tunisian textile and apparel sectorGrumiller, Jan; Azmeh, Shamel; Staritz, Cornelia; Raza, Werner; Grohs, Hannes; Tröster, Bernhard
2019Combining trade and sustainability? The Free Trade Agreement between the EU and VietnamTröster, Bernhard; Grumiller, Jan; Grohs, Hannes; Raza, Werner; Staritz, Cornelia; von Arnim, Rudi