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Ergebnisse 11-20 von 32.
2015Coalbed Methane - an unconventional - clean energy, the forming, extraction, and potential of Indonesia's Coalbed Methane as future source energy for Indonesia
In: 2015, Heft: 18, S. 11-19
Kartikasari, Lucy; Suntara, Trisna
2015Controlling Windu shrimp quality using apriori algorithm through smartphone-based application
In: 2015, Heft: 18, S. 49-54
Gani, Firdaus K.; Rahmad Hidayatullah S; Wahyudi, Rahmat Faisal; Hidayatullah, Satria Nur
2015SME open innovation implicating factors in different innovation phases
In: 2015, Heft: 16, S. 29-45
Lahi, Allan; Elenurm, Tiit
2015Determinants of capital structure of the information technology industry
In: 2015, Heft: 15, S. 114-132
Delicado Teixeira, Nuno Miguel; Melo Parreira, João Filipe
2015Social network sites: Can they enhance employee productivity in an organization?
In: 2015, Heft: 17, S. 23-35
Tudu, Preshita Neha; Pathak, Pramod
2015Applying nano-carbon as coating material for slow-released fertilizer to increase Indonesian rice yield and to reduce nitrogen loss in surface water of paddy soil
In: 2015, Heft: 18, S. 34-40
Riandy, Andika Putra; Sofyan, Dini Fuadilah; Palembang, Jl. Raya
2015A roadmap for an integrated university information system based on connectivity issues: Case of Turkey
In: 2015, Heft: 17, S. 1-22
Özturan, Meltem; Bozanta, Aysun; Basarir-Ozel, Birgül; Akar, Ezgi; Coşkun, Mustafa
2015Novice and expert Internet users: Influence of price discounts on attitude toward the banner and website
In: 2015, Heft: 15, S. 28-45
Crespo-Almendros, Esmeralda; del Barrio-García, Salvador
2015An empirical investigation of gender impact on technological innovativeness among Thai entrepreneurs via GEM database
In: 2015, Heft: 16, S. 1-15
Shukla, Manasi; Guelich, Ulrike; Bechina Arntzen, Aurilla Aurelie
2015Evaluation of quality in different electronic services: A multigroup analysis
In: 2015, Heft: 15, S. 5-27
Barrera-Barrera, Ramón; Navarro-García, Antonio; Peris-Ortiz, Marta