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2021Endogenous life expectancy and R&D-based economic growthTscheuschner, Paul
2021The collusive efficacy of competition clauses in Bertrand Markets with capacity-constrained retailersTrost, Michael
2021Entry regulation and competition: Evidence from retail and labormarkets of pharmacistsRostam-Afschar, Davud; Unsorg, Maximiliane
2021A 2014 Social Accounting Matrix (SAM) for Uzbekistan with a focus on the agricultural sector: A technical documentationBozorov, Abdurashid; Feuerbacher, Arndt; Wieck, Christine
2021Price discrimination with inequity-averse consumers: A reinforcement learning approachBuchali, Katrin
2021The rise of Eastern Europe and German labor market reform: Dissecting their effects on employmentWalter, Timo
2021Input-output linkages and monopolistic competition: Input distortion and optimal policiesJung, Benjamin; Kohler, Wilhelm
2021Cartographie du commerce agricole au sein de la CEDEAO: Structure et flux des produits agricoles, obstacles au commerce, lacunes en matière de financement et options politiques. Un projet de recherche en coopération avec la GIZ pour le compte du BMZKareem, Olayinka Idowu; Wieck, Christine
2021Quo vadis? Ansätze der Qualitätssicherung von Nachhaltigkeitswettbewerben für Unternehmen: Ergebnisse eines Experten-WorkshopsGebhardt, Beate
2021Mapping agricultural trade within the ECOWAS: Structure and flow of agricultural products, barriers to trade, financing gaps and policy options. A research project in cooperation with GIZ on behalf of BMZKareem, Olayinka Idowu; Wieck, Christine