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Ergebnisse 1-10 von 14.
2011Standardization or Adaptation in Cosmetics Websites Marketing? An Empirical Study
In: Band: 3, 2011, Heft: 2, S. 215-236
Constantinescu-Dobra, Anca
2011Considerations on European Policy of Research, Development, Innovation. Case of Romania
In: Band: 3, 2011, Heft: 2, S. 268-276
Lazar, Roxana Elena
2011An Exploratory Study of the Regional Context of Competitive Development in Romania
In: Band: 3, 2011, Heft: 2, S. 188-214
Cojanu, Valentin; Stupariu, Ileana-Pãtru; Dobre, Robert Rãzvan
2011The Impact of the Institutional Innovations Introduced by the Treaty of Lisbon on the European Union's External Action
In: Band: 3, 2011, Heft: 2, S. 182-187
Ciascai, Gheorghe
2011Dynamics of the Romanian Illegal Drug Markets
In: Band: 3, 2011, Heft: 2, S. 170-181
Caunic, Irina; Tulica, Mircea
2011The Concept of Nation, Seen by George Sofronie and the Actuality of the Debate in the Contemporary Context
In: Band: 3, 2011, Heft: 2, S. 257-267
Jadaneant, Alexandru
2011The Omc in the European Employment Policy: Bringing Socialisation In
In: Band: 3, 2011, Heft: 2, S. 355-370
Vannoni, Matia
2011The Impact of the EU Regional Policy in Romania
In: Band: 3, 2011, Heft: 2, S. 162-169
Bomher, Iuliana-Noemi
2011The Fair Value – Representation of the Market Value in Accounting. Trends and Perspectives in Romanian Accounting Practice
In: Band: 3, 2011, Heft: 2, S. 277-292
Manea, Marinela-Daniela
2011Comparative Perspectives in Economic Crises Geography. Economic Strategies in EU Countries
In: Band: 3, 2011, Heft: 2, S. 237-256
Grecu, Roxana Maria