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Ergebnisse 31-40 von 64.
2021Organizational ambidexterity and competitive advantage: The role of strategic agility in the exploration-exploitation paradoxClauß, Thomas; Kraus, Sascha; Kallinger, Friedrich Lukas; Bican, Peter; Brem, Alexander; Kailer, Norbert
2021A techno-economic and environmental assessment of residential rooftop solar-Battery systems in grid-connected households in Lagos, NigeriaUdeani, Chukwudi; Jaramillo, Paulina; Williams, Nathaniel J.
2021The influence of product innovation messages on the intention to purchase incumbent productsLee, Kyootai; Shim, Eugene; Kim, Jiyeon; Nam, Hyunjeong
2021Assessing and prioritizing risks in Public-Private Partnership (PPP) projects using the integration of fuzzy multi-criteria decision-making methodsJokar, Ebrahim; Aminnejad, Babak; Lork, Alireza
2021Extended exergy sustainability analysis comparing environmental impacts of disposal methods for waste plastic roof tiles in UgandaBalcom, Paige; Cabrera, Juliana Mora; Carey, Van P.
2021Internal idea contests: Work environment perceptions and the moderating role of power distanceHober, Bjoern; Schaarschmidt, Mario; von Korflesch, Harald F. O.
2021Modeling multicriteria group decision making as games from enhanced pairwise comparisonsLeoneti, Alexandre Bevilacqua; Gomes, Luiz Flávio Autran Monteiro
2021Structural holes and social entrepreneurs as altruistic brokersGoduscheit, René Chester; Khanin, Dmitry; Mahto, Raj V.; McDowell, William C.
2021Effects of sociocultural and economic factors on social entrepreneurship and sustainable developmentMéndez Picazo, María Teresa; Galindo Martín, Miguel Angel; Castaño Martínez, María Soledad
2021Combinatorial abilities and heuristic behavior in online search environmentsDi Caprio, Debora; Santos Arteaga, Francisco Javier