ifo Beiträge zur Wirtschaftsforschung, ifo Institut – Leibniz-Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung an der Universität München

ISSN: 1616-5764

Publikationen (sortiert nach Titel in absteigender Richtung): 41 bis 60 von 68
2016Empirical Studies on Public Debt and Fiscal TransfersReischmann, Markus Josef
2016The Collateral Policy of Central Banks - An Analysis Focusing on the EurosystemWeber, Christopher
2016Market Consequences of ICT InnovationsMang, Constantin
2016Studies on Issues in Political Economy since the Global Financial CrisisJäger, Kai
2016The Sovereign Default Problem in the Eurozone - Why Limited Liability Resulted in Excessive Debt Accumulation and How Insurance Can CounteractArnold, Nadjeschda Katharina
2015Investment in ICT: Determinants and Economic ImplicationsFabritz, Nadine
2015Climate Policy and the Intertemporal Supply of Fossil ResourcesBeermann, Christian
2015Microeconometric Evaluations of Education PoliciesSiegler, Benedikt
2015Essays on the Integration of New Energy Sources into Existing Energy SystemsRöpke, Luise
2015The Rents of Banking A Public Choice Approach to Bank RegulationBuck, Florian Christopher
2015Microeconometric Analyses on Economic Consequences of Selective MigrationRuhose, Jens
2014Essays on International Trade and DevelopmentHeid, Benedikt
2014Essays on Offshoring, Wage Inequality and InnovationBenz, Sebastian
2014Lohnrisiko und Altersarmut im SozialstaatNagl, Wolfgang
2013Institutional Determinants of Student Achievement - Microeconometric EvidenceLink, Susanne
2013Nachfrageorientierte Innovationspolitik: Bestandsaufnahme und ökonomische BewertungFalck, Oliver; Wiederhold, Simon
2013Empirical Essays in the Economics of Ageing and the Economics of InnovationReinkowski, Janina
2013Nonresponse in Business Tendency Surveys: Theoretical Discourse and Empirical EvidenceSeiler, Christian
2013Business Fluctuations, Job Flows and Trade Unions - Dynamics in the EconomySchirwitz, Beate
2013Trade, Climate Policy and Carbon Leakage - Theory and Empirical EvidenceAichele, Rahel
Publikationen (sortiert nach Titel in absteigender Richtung): 41 bis 60 von 68