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Ergebnisse 1-10 von 303.
2015Evaluation tool for wider economic effects of railway investments: Making computable general equilibrium model results accessibleKinnunen, Jouko; Metsäranta, Heikki; Törmä, Hannu; Laakso, Seppo; Zimoch, Urszula
2015Effects of Cultural Diversity on Economic Performance in Russian RegionsLimonov, Leonid; Nesena, Marina
2015The impact of moral education on social welfare as a governmental policyLeriou, Eirini; Tasopoulos, Anastasios
2015Spatial Aspects of Agent-Based Modeling of Large EconomyMelnikova, Larisa; Suslov, Victor; Tsyplakov, Alexander; Ibragimov, Naimdjon; Domozhirov, Dmitry; Kostin, Vitaly
2015Distinctively different: A new approach to valuing architectural amenitiesAhlfeldt, Gabriel; Holman, Nancy
2015The LEADER process as a European policy for local development: A comparison of the implementation in three European member statesBerriet-Solliec, Marielle; Laidin, Catherine; Lépicier, Denis; Pham, Hai Vu; Pollermann, Kim; Raue, Petra; Schnaut, Gitta
2015How to Attract More Tourists to Korea? Possible Collaborations with ChinaZhong, Wenjun; Oh, Jinhwan
2015Barriers to cross-region research and development collaborations in Europe. Evidence from the Fifth European Framework Programmede Clairfontaine, Aurélien Fichet; Fischer, Manfred M.; Lata, Rafael; Paier, Manfred
2015Construção de alianças para gestão territorial com ênfase na floresta: O caso do Bosque Modelo Caçador no sul do BrasilRosot, Maria Augusta Doetzer; De Oliveira, Yeda Maria Malheiros; Radomski, Maria Izabel; Garrastazu, Marilice Cordeiro; Cardoso, Denise Jeton; Lacerda, André Eduardo Biscaia De; Rosot, Nelson Carlos
2015Vertical versus Horizontal Tax Incentives Policies in Brazil: Assessing the Impacts Using a Computable General Equilibrium ModelPorsse, Alexandre; Madruga, Felipe