Working Papers, Levy Economics Institute of Bard College

ISSN: n.a.

Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 1057
Year of PublicationTitleAuthor(s)
2024Markups, profit shares, and cost-push-profit-led inflationNikiforos, Michalis; Grothe, Simon; Weber, Jan
2024Economic possibilities for our grandchildren: 90 years laterBibow, Jörg
2024The estimation of production functions with monetary valuesFelipe, Jesus; McCombie, John S. L.; Mehta, Aashish
2024The Swedish monetary system from a balance sheet perspectiveEhnts, Dirk; Ora, Jussi
2024Euro interest rate swap yields: Some ARDL modelsAkram, Tanweer; al Mamun, Khawaja Abdullah
2024Macroeconomic effects of a government overdraft on its central bank accountKhemraj, Tarron
2024Social security and gender inequalityMalyshava, Liudmila; McCoy, Brandon
2024The aggregate production function and Solow's "three denials"Felipe, Jesus; McCombie, John S. L.
2024COP28 and environmental federalism: Empirical evidence from an emerging economy, IndiaChakraborty, Lekha; Kaur, Amandeep; Mohanty, Ranjan Kumar; Rangan, Divy; Das, Sanjana
2024Saving social securityLane, Edward
2024Exchange-rate stability causes deterioration of the productive sphere and destabilizes developing economiesHuerta González, Arturo
2024Amazon green recovery and labor market in Brazil: Can green spending reduce gender and race inequalities?Marques, Pedro Romero; Pires, Luiza Nassif; Taioka, Tainari; Bergamin, José; Lima, Gilberto Tadeu
2024An empirical analysis of Swedish government bond yieldsAkram, Tanweer; Yadav, Mahima
2024"Just transition" in India and fiscal stance: Analyzing the tax buoyancy of the extractive sectorChakraborty, Lekha; Thomas, Emmanuel
2024Empirical models of Chinese government bond yieldsAkram, Tanweer; Pervin, Shahida
2024Can the Philippines attain 6.5-8 percent growth during 2023-28? An assessment based on the estimation of the balance-of-payments-constrained growth rateFelipe, Jesus; Albis, Manuel Leonard
2024Interest rate dynamics: An examination of mainstream and Keynesian empirical studiesAkram, Tanweer; al Mamun, Khawaja Abdullah
2024Deindustrialization from the center perspective: US trade and manufacturing in the last two decadesRodousakis, Nikolaos; Yajima, Giuliano Toshiro; Soklis, George
2024Foreign deficit and economic policy: The case of MexicoHuerta González, Arturo
2024Gender-responsive public financial management: The Indian chronology of gender budgetingChakraborty, Lekha
Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 1057