Browsing All of EconStor by Author Meriküll, Jaanika

Showing results 1 to 11 of 11
Year of PublicationTitleAuthor(s)
2014Are foreign-owned firms different? Comparison of employment volatility and elasticity of labour demandMeriküll, Jaanika; Rõõm, Tairi
2014One currency, one price? Euro changeover-related inflation in EstoniaMeriküll, Jaanika; Rõõm, Tairi
2015Assessing European firms’ exports and productivity distributions: The CompNet trade moduleBerthou, Antoine; Dhyne, Emmanuel; Bugamelli, Matteo; Cazacu, Ana-Maria; Demian, Calin-Vlad; Harasztosi, Peter; Lalinsky, Tibor; Meriküll, Jaanika; Oropallo, Filippo; Soares, Ana Cristina
2015The impact of firm financing constraints on R&D over the business cycleMännasoo, Kadri; Meriküll, Jaanika
2015Assessing European firms' exports and productivity distributions: the CompNet trade moduleBerthou, Antoine; Dhyne, Emmanuel; Bugamelli, Matteo; Cazacu, Ana-Maria; Demian, Calin-Vlad; Harasztosi, Péter; Lalinsky, Tibor; Meriküll, Jaanika; Oropallo, Filippo; Soares, Ana Cristina
2016Export characteristics and output volatility: comparative firm-level evidence for CEE countriesČede, Urška; Chiriacescu, Bogdan; Harasztosi, Péter; Lalinsky, Tibor; Meriküll, Jaanika
2019The effect of the single currency on exports: Comparative firm-level evidenceLalinsky, Tibor; Meriküll, Jaanika
2021The gap that survived the transition: The gender wage gap over three decades in EstoniaMeriküll, Jaanika; Tverdostup, Maryna
2024Productivity-enhancing reallocation during the Covid-19 pandemicLalinsky, Tibor; Meriküll, Jaanika; López-García, Paloma
2024The impact of climate change and policies on productivity: A report of the ESCB Expert Group on productivity, innovation and technological changesAnyfantaki, Sofia; Colciago, Andrea; De Mulder, Jan; Falck, Elisabeth; Labhard, Vincent; López-García, Paloma; Lourenço, Nuno; Meriküll, Jaanika; Parker, Miles; Röhe, Oke; Schroth, Joachim; Schulte, Patrick; Strobel, Johannes
2024The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and policy support on productivity: A report of the ESCB Expert Group on productivity, innovation and technological changeAnastasatu, Marianthi; Anyfantaki, Sofia; Benkovskis, Konstantins; Bergeaud, Antonin; Bun, Maurice; Bunel, Simon; Colciago, Andrea; De Mulder, Jan; Fantino, Davide; González López-Valcárcel, Beatriz; Havel, Jiri; Jarvis, Valerie; Khametshin, Dmitry; Kolaiti, Tetie; Krasnopjorovs, Olegs; Lebastard, Laura; López-García, Paloma; Martins, Fernando; Meinen, Philipp; Meriküll, Jaanika; Parker, Miles; Raos, Josip; Serafini, Roberta; Šelebaj, Domagoj; Szörfi, Béla; Vaénko, Milan; Vanhala, Juuso; Volk, Matjaz