Browsing All of EconStor by Year of Publication 1998

Showing results 1 to 20 of 2372
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Year of PublicationTitleAuthor(s)
1998-07Beschäftigungswirkungen der Internationalisierung - Eine Studie aus- und einfließender Direktinvestitionen der Metall- und Elektroindustrie im Raum StuttgartHolwegler, Bernhard; Trautwein, Hans-Michael
1998Climate change policy and burden sharing in the European Union: applying alternative equity rules to a CGE-frameworkSchmidt, Tobias F. N.; Koschel, Henrike
1998Aufbruch ins 21. Jahrhundert?Scharrer, Hans-Eckart
1998Conflict, Postwar Rebuilding and the Economy: A Critical Review of LiteratureCarbonnier, Gilles
1998Bayesian Simultaneous Equations Analysis using Reduced Rank StructuresKleibergen, Frank; van Dijk, Herman K.
1998Banking and balance of payments crises: On possible causes of the twin crisesBuch, Claudia M.; Heinrich, Ralph P.
1998Subventionen in DeutschlandBoss, Alfred; Rosenschon, Astrid
1998Combination of forecasts: A bibliographyTrenkler, Götz; Gotu, Butte
1998Höhere außenwirtschaftliche Risiken für Wachstum und Preisstabilisierung in PolenKämpfe, Martina
1998Why did Czech Banks Switch From Loans in 1995?Nilsen, Jeffrey H.
1998People Power at Work: The Case of the Surigao City Primary Health Care Federated Women' ClubLim, Benito; Pineda, Virginia S.
1998The institutional problem-solving capacities of the council: The committee of permanent representatives and the methods of communityLewis, Jeffrey
1998Analytic Central Path, Sensitivity Analysis and Parametric Linear ProgrammingHolder, A.G.; Sturm, J.F.; Zhang, S.
1998Regional sustainable development and the information society in EuropeRosch, Andreas; Grossmann, Wolf-Dieter
1998Grow, neighbour grow, grow... Neighbour be good!Lopez-Bazo, Enrique; Vaya, Esther; Moreno, Rosina
1998Germany's labor market problems: What to do and what not to do? A survey among expertsProfit, Stefan; Tschernig, Rolf
1998Ökonomische Auswirkungen der Zuwanderungen nach Deutschlandvon Loeffelholz, Hans Dietrich; Köpp, Günter
1998EU-Regionalpolitik: Reform oder Stillstand?Martin, Reiner
1998Effects of the Five Percent Uniform TariffTan, Elizabeth S.
1998Room for manoeuvre of economic policy in EU countries are there costs of joining EMU?Schuberth, Helene