Browsing All of EconStor by Author Wolters, Jürgen

Showing results 1 to 20 of 50
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Year of PublicationTitleAuthor(s)
1986Preiserwartungen der UnternehmerWolters, Jürgen
1990Sind die Realzinsen stationär?Kirchgässner, Gebhard; Wolters, Jürgen
1995Stabilitätsanalyse der bundesdeutschen Geldnachfrage anhand alternativer Ansätze zur Modellierung variierender RegressionskoeffizientenLütkepohl, Helmut; Moryson, Martin; Wolters, Jürgen
1996Die Entwicklung langfristiger Kreditzinssätze: Eine empirische AnalyseNautz, Dieter; Wolters, Jürgen
1997A money demand system for M3 in the unified GermanyLütkepohl, Helmut; Wolters, Jürgen
1998Gesamtwirtschaftliche Modelle in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland: Erfahrungen und PerspektivenHeilemann, Ullrich; Wolters, Jürgen
1998The response of long-term interest rates to news about monetary policy actions: Empirical evidence for the US and GermanyNautz, Dieter; Wolters, Jürgen
1998Spekulation, Preisbildung und Volatilität auf Finanz- und DevisenmärktenAlexander, Volbert; Kugler, Peter; Streissler, Erich; Weber, Axel A.; Wolters, Jürgen
1999Comparison of bootstrap confidence intervals for impulse responses of German monetary systemsBenkwitz, Alexander; Lütkepohl, Helmut; Wolters, Jürgen
2000Currency substitution and the stability of the Italian demand for money before the entry into the monetary union, 1972 - 1998Nielsen, Hannah; Tullio, Giuseppe; Wolters, Jürgen
2000Aggregation and seasonal adjustment : empirical results for EMU quarterly national accountsWolters, Jürgen; Stephan, Sabine; Rietzler, Katja
2001The Transmission of German Monetary Policy in the Pre-Euro PeriodLuetkepohl, Helmut; Wolters, Jürgen
2001The transmission of German monetary policy in the pre-Euro periodLütkepohl, Helmut; Wolters, Jürgen
2002Neuere Entwicklungen in der ökonometrischen Analyse aggregierter ZeitreihenWolters, Jürgen
2004Monetary policy in Austria-Hungary, 1876 - 1913: An econometric analysis of the determinants of the Central Bank's discount rate and the liquidity ratioTullio, Guiseppe; Wolters, Jürgen
2004Domestic and international determinants of the Reichsbank's liquidity ratios during the classical gold standard, 1876 - 1913: An econometric analysisTullio, Guiseppe; Wolters, Jürgen
2004Domestic and international determinants of the bank of France's liquidity ratios during the classical gold standard, 1876 - 1913: An econometric analysisTullio, Guiseppe; Wolters, Jürgen
2004Domestic and international determinants of the Bank of England's liquidity ratios during the classical gold standard, 1876 - 1913: An econometric analysisTullio, Guiseppe; Wolters, Jürgen
2005Unit root testingWolters, Jürgen; Hassler, Uwe
2005Autoregressive distributed lag models and cointegrationHassler, Uwe; Wolters, Jürgen