Browsen in EconStor gesamt nach Autor:innen Utting, Peter
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Erscheinungsjahr | Titel | Autor:innen |
2000 | Business responsibility for sustainable development | Utting, Peter |
2012 | Green economy or green society? Contestation and policies for a fair transition | Cook, Sarah; Smith, Kiah; Utting, Peter |
2014 | Social and solidarity economy: Is there a new economy in the making? | Utting, Peter; van Dijk, Nadine; Matheï, Marie-Adélaïde |
2014 | Post-conflict reconciliation and development in Nicaragua: The role of cooperatives and collective action | Utting, Peter; Chamorro, Amalia; Bacon, Christopher |
2017 | El rol de las cooperativas y la acción colectiva en el desarrollo y la reconciliación en Nicaragua | Utting, Peter; Chamorro, Amalia; Bacon, Chris |