Browsen in EconStor gesamt nach Autor:innen Raaum, Oddbjørn

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1997Unemployment. Labour Market Programmes and Wages in NorwayWulfsberg, Fredrik; Raaum, Oddbjørn
1999The effect of schooling on earnings: The role of family background stuied by a large sample of Norwegian twinsRaaum, Oddbjørn; Aabø, Tom Erik
2000Earnings assimilation of immigrants in Norway: A reappraisalLongva, Pål; Raaum, Oddbjørn
2000Brother Correlations in Earnings in Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden Compared to the United StatesBjörklund, Anders; Eriksson, Tor; Jäntti, Markus; Raaum, Oddbjørn; Österbacka, Eva
2001The neighbourhood is not what it used to be: Has there been equalisation of opportunity across families and communities in Norway?Raaum, Oddbjørn; Salvanes, Kjell G.; Sørensen, Erik Ø.
2002Business cycles and the impact of labour market programmesRaaum, Oddbjørn; Torp, Hege; Zhang, Tao
2002Local unemployment and the relative wages of immigrants: Evidence from the current population surveysBarth, Erling; Bratsberg, Bernt; Raaum, Oddbjørn
2002Do individual programme effects exceed the costs? Norwegian evidence on long run effects of labour market trainingRaaum, Oddbjørn; Torp, Hege; Zhang, Tao
2002Explaining variations in wage curves: Theory and evidenceBarth, Erling; Bratsberg, Bernt; Naylor, Robin A.; Raaum, Oddbjørn
2002Local unemployment and the earnings assimilation of immigrants in NorwayBarth, Erling; Bratsberg, Bernt; Raaum, Oddbjørn
2002Do business cycle conditions at the time of labour market entry affect future unemployment?Raaum, Oddbjørn; Røed, Knut
2003The effect of programme participation on the transition rate from unemployment to employmentRøed, Knut; Raaum, Oddbjørn
2003The Neighbourhood Is Not What It Used to BeRaaum, Oddbjørn; Salvanes, Kjell G.; Sørensen, Erik Ø.
2003The impact of a primary school reform on educational stratification : a Norwegian study of neighbour and school mate correlationsRaaum, Oddbjørn; Salvanes, Kjell G.; Sørensen, Erik Ø.
2004Inter-Industry Wage Differentials and Unobserved Ability : Siblings Evidence from Five CountriesBjörklund, Anders; Bratsberg, Bernt; Eriksson, Tor; Jäntti, Markus; Raaum, Oddbjørn
2004Pupil achievement, school resources and family backgroundHægeland, Torbjørn; Raaum, Oddbjørn; Salvanes, Kjell G.
2005Young and out: An application of a prospects-based concept of social exclusionRaaum, Oddbjørn; Rogstad, Jon; Røed, Knut; Westlie, Lars
2005Pupil Achievement, School Resources and Family BackgroundHægeland, Torbjørn; Raaum, Oddbjørn; Salvanes, Kjell G.
2005American exeptionalism in a new light: A comparison of intergenerational earnings mobility in the Nordic countries, the United Kingdom and the United StatesJäntti, Markus; Bratsberg, Bernt; Røed, Knut; Raaum, Oddbjørn; Naylor, Robin; Österbacka, Eva; Björk, Anders
2006Who pays for performance?Barth, Erling; Bratsberg, Bernt; Hægeland, Torbjørn; Raaum, Oddbjørn