Browsen in EconStor gesamt nach Autor:innen Nicolaas, Gerry
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Erscheinungsjahr | Titel | Autor:innen |
2011 | Is it a good idea to optimise question format for mode of data collection? Results from a mixed modes experiment | Nicolaas, Gerry; Campanelli, Pamela; Hope, Steven; Jäckle, Annette; Lynn, Peter |
2011 | Extended field efforts to reduce the risk of non-response bias: Do they pay off? | Hall, Julia; Brown, Victoria; Nicolaas, Gerry; Lynn, Peter |
2012 | Effects of visual and aural communication of categorical response options on answers to survey questions | Lynn, Peter; Hope, Steven; Jäckle, Annette; Campanelli, Pamela; Nicolaas, Gerry |
2014 | The role of the interviewer in producing mode effects: Results from a mixed modes experiment comparing face-to-face, telephone and web administration | Hope, Steven; Campanelli, Pamela; Nicolaas, Gerry; Lynn, Peter; Jäckle, Annette |