Browsing All of EconStor by Author Lenza, Michele

Showing results 1 to 20 of 27
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Year of PublicationTitleAuthor(s)
2007Monetary policy and core inflationLenza, Michele
2007Monetary policy and core inflationLenza, Michele
2008Explaining the Great Moderation: it is not the shocksGiannone, Domenico; Lenza, Michele; Reichlin, Lucrezia
2008The Feldstein-Horioka factGiannone, Domenico; Lenza, Michele
2009Business cycles in the euro areaGiannone, Domenico; Lenza, Michele; Reichlin, Lucrezia
2010Monetary policy in exceptional timesLenza, Michele; Pill, Huw; Reichlin, Lucrezia
2011Non-standard monetary policy measures and monetary developmentsGiannone, Domenico; Lenza, Michele; Pill, Huw; Reichlin, Lucrezia
2012Prior selection for vector autoregressionsGiannone, Domenico; Lenza, Michele; Primiceri, Giorgio E.
2012The ECB and the interbank marketGiannone, Domenico; Lenza, Michele; Reichlin, Lucrezia
2013Corporate finance and economic activity in the euro area: Structural issues report 2013Rodriguez-Palenzuela, Diego; Darracq-Pariès, Matthieu; Carboni, Giacomo; Ferrando, Annalisa; Ulbrich, Petra Köhler; Zachary, Marie-Denise; Geiger, Felix; Rupprecht, Manuel; Raudsaar, Taavi; McCann, Fergal; Georgakopoulos, Vasileios; Martínez-Carrascal, Carmen; Carluccio, Juan; Horny, Guillaume; Russo, Paolo Finaldi; Kapatais, Demetris; Wintr, Ladislav; Briffa, Elaine Caruana; Metzemakers, Paul; van der Veer, Koen; Waschiczek, Walter; Farinha, Luisa; Herman, Uroš; Karšay, Alexander; Mäki-Fränti, Petri; Servant, François; Socio, Antonio De; Fiore, Fiorella De; Hertkorn, Andreas; Lenza, Michele; Vitale, Giovanni; Karmazin, Branislav; Task Force of the Monetary Policy Committee of the ESCB
2014Conditional forecasts and scenario analysis with vector autoregressions for large cross-sectionsBańbura, Marta; Giannone, Domenico; Lenza, Michele
2014The financial and macroeconomic effects of OMT announcementsAltavilla, Carlo; Giannone, Domenico; Lenza, Michele
2016An inflation-predicting measure of the output gap in the euro areaJarociński, Marek; Lenza, Michele
2017Priors for the long runGiannone, Domenico; Primiceri, Giorgio E.; Lenza, Michele
2018Priors for the long runGiannone, Domenico; Primiceri, Giorgio E.; Lenza, Michele
2018Economic predictions with big data: The illusion of sparsityGiannone, Domenico; Lenza, Michele; Primiceri, Giorgio E.
2018How does monetary policy affect income and wealth inequality? Evidence from quantitative easing in the euro areaLenza, Michele; Slacalek, Jirka
2019Money, credit, monetary policy and the business cycle in the euro area: What has changed since the crisis?Giannone, Domenico; Lenza, Michele; Reichlin, Lucrezia
2019Money, credit, monetary policy, and the business cycle in the euro area: What has changed since the crisis?Giannone, Domenico; Lenza, Michele; Reichlin, Lucrezia
2019Mind the gap: A multi-country BVAR benchmark for the Eurosystem projectionsAngelini, Elena; Lalik, Magdalena; Lenza, Michele; Paredes, Joan